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Reintalk Episode 16.mp4



Thanks for the preview


Hey thanks for being first to comment on the video. Let me know if you have any suggestions about the characters. :)


HOORAY! I'm in the cool kids club of $10/month supporters! And it's worth it already, to see these early sketches of the characters. My girl Jane looks great there! Though obviously you altered some of her details since then (I assumed this was 2017, but it's actually a year old, lol)- most obviously, the lack of boyfriend (it's so limiting you dropped that aspect entirely, lol). Her status as "the rock" seems to have gone away, as now she's egging her friends on into sexual situations, too- I guess she's the "story-starter" in a way now :). Is she still gonna be a side-character? Is Courtney still a dopey turbo-slut? That's kind of a funny way to go- the Queen of All Bimbos. Lydia's nose is cute. I always dig that look. She seems like she's gonna be a neat, unique character. I DID get a sense that Bria was a bit shy and reserved (she was hesitant about the sex, at least. Unusual for Switchverse characters!), but yeah- she turned out different pretty fast. Are you still deciding stuff with Derek? I don't necessarily think he needs to be likable- unless he's a doormat like Royce, or a totally-bland "Harem Anime Protagnist", the fans will probably hate him no matter what :).


Welcome aboard! Courtney is largely unchanged, and I'm still ironing out kinks with Derek, though he's evolved quite a bit beyond the "male Casey" idea I originally had for him.