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EDIT: Woke up today and hated how Casey's face looked in panel four, so I made some tweaks.

It occurs to me I should be putting Casey in more clothes where a wardrobe malfunction can be caused by something as small as quick motion, a gust of wind, or altered states of reality.  Meanwhile I wouldn't normally paint Switch as one who would kick Casey while she's down. But if MY conscience had a personality, I can't imagine what would piss it off more than ignoring its advice, starting a fistfight, and damaging a relationship with a close friend in the process.  I feel like Switch deserves a little "I told you so" here.

Anyhow I hope you guys like the page and I'm super excited for what's coming next! :D




Are we finally going to find out what Switch is?


Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy my wait is over!!!!!


You may be about to get a full shot of what she looks like, I can tell you that much. :)


Well that got dramatic quick. I wasn't expecting quite so much doom to accompany the reveal of Switch lol. I can't help but wonder if this is just a visual representation or something Casey is actually seeing. Either way I'm impressed with the aesthetic!


Thanks! I figure that since Switch is angrier than we've ever seen her the scenery should reflect it. :)

Stush Cinta

Yeah, i'd say that outfit is a wardrobe malfunction waiting to happen, but you can't really call it a "Malfunction" when it's basically how it was designed. Poor Casey, I do hope things turn out okay for her.


0_0 Well, THAT was unexpected! This brings up a lot of questions- can Switch manifest in the real world? Is this just Casey's illusory vision of what happens with her? Switch taking control of Casey's own body? Normally, she's just there arguing back and forth with the voice in her head, not actually seeing chains come down from the heavens as the moon turns red. Way more supernatural stuff than we've seen so far. And Casey even seems to be familiar with the sensation of what goes down when Switch shows up. Also: NIP-SLIP!! Hooray for boobies! And I was thinking this strip would be an "exposition" one without some glorious boobage! I shoulda known you'd find a way to slip some nipplage in there!


Hey I try to work in boobage whenever I can lol. As for your questions, I'm afraid i can't answer any of them without blowing story points for you. Though the next page may answer some things for you. :)


See pages like this are what keep me coming back week after week for more, Story. Tell me a story filled with debauchery, easily ripped clothing, massive cum shots, and proportions above and beyond the call of nature, but tell me a story. One with characters evolving and changing, learning and getting caught up in their own flaws. Keep up the great work Reinbach!


Hey thanks! I do my best to keep things more interesting than the average porn comic tends to offer. :)


A wardrobe malfunction can be a good way to add an erotic atmosphere to an image so i like the idea, although sometimes it could be more sexier if casey was wearing a bra eg. a sexy black lacy bra or a pink bra with a tiny pink bow in the middle (i.e something girly) when things like this happen. Sometimes showing too much might seem the like artist is trying too hard to make it sexy. Also reading your older material eg. casey hitting on royce in CH1 i've noticed casey being abit more slimmer and younger. Now she seems more bigger and older, do you not like the original casey model? :)


Actually it wasn't really a conscious choice to change her on my part. When I first started my style was a bit more extreme and cartoonish. I mean, get a load of how frightfully thin Casey's neck is in those early chapters. Over time I came to prefer drawing more realistic bodies, and in that style Casey needed a bigger frame to make her breasts look even kind of natural. Still though, I have to admit she hardly looks like she's only 18 these days. When Switch is complete I may change her appearance a little in the next comic.

Bob Fink

I do love a good wardrobe malfunction ;), and nobody looks hotter than Casey :D. And having Switch scold Casey is a nice touch and not something Casey was expecting. I can't wait to see where this goes next!


Welcome home, Casey. Also nipples. I'm a fan.


I think Switch vigorously spanking Casey is the only possible punishment. While they're dressed as French maids, ideally.


Reinbach. I gotta say. I'm a fan of your work (obv. or I wouldn't be here), but this page. Man. You've really outdone yourself. The art is GREAT. The colors, the composition. And I love the close-up of the eye in the last panel. Just greatness.


Thank you! Comments like that are a big part of what keeps this comic going. :)


Oh wow. Now that looks apcoalyptic. Cannot wait to see the demon herself Reinbach.


Glad you're enthused! You only have a couple of days left to wait. :)