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The short version here is that the next page of TRW is very likely going to be pushed into next week. 

Title says it all on this one, gang, I'm pretty wrecked right now. Got it all, fever, headache, chills, a consistent cough, good times. Had a miserable night last night, and while I'm better today (really more "bitchy" than "bedridden" as of this writing) there's no denying this is going to seriously slow me down this week. 

I'll be back at it as soon as I'm better, so I might be able to swing two pages next week to make up for this one. It just depends on how fast I bounce back. For what it's worth I don't think I've got covid, this feels like just the same old flu to me. In any case I appreciate your patience here, and TRW will be back before you know it. 




I just wanted you to know that I appreciate this joke


Bummer man. Get better. Thanks for the amusing comic, though :)


Time to raid the drug cabinet!


No rush man, get yourself better!

Abundance of Radishes

1. This is hilarious 2. I had a question about the visual novel. I know there's a website where all the character sprites and backgrounds of games get posted, would you ever consider posting those things yourself after the game releases so people can make memes and edits with them?


Take care of your health, baby batter can wait till next week. Get well soon :)


I hope you feel right as rain soon, Rein! Sorry to hear you're sick

Phil Token

Hope your feeling better, love elianna dialogue as always!


Ugh, I always hated getting colds or the flu in the summer months. Hope you're feeling better soon!

frank barry

Hope you’re Ok, get better.


Maybe? I'd have to run that one by Kal to be sure, that really seems to be the type of thing that might have hidden downsides that wouldn't occur to me. XD


Oh it's the worst in summer. At least in winter it feels seasonally appropriate. XD