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In my head I imagine Casey being an amazing lover, but an absolutely nightmarish ex-lover.  (That's why Marcus back there in the last panel is hoping she doesn't turn around and see him.)

When it comes to taking rejections Casey is a bit of an odd case I think.  When she gets rejected in pursuit of someone she's yet to sleep with, it rolls right off of her, because she knows she'll get what she wants in time.  (And she almost always has.)

But if she gets rejected AFTER having sex, it's the end of the world, and she goes into full-on stalker mode. I've always wanted to get into this side of her more and I'm glad for the chance to touch on it in this scene. :)



Michael Wright

Casey has on one sexy outfit!


Love that dress! Also love that Marcus got to make another appearance.


So I'm a bit confused here, is Casey talking to Bria or another person right now? Because I thought she and Bria hadn't had sex yet and as such she wouldn't be going into full psycho mode. Unless of course they did and I totally forgot.

Bob Fink

Uh oh, it sounds to me like Felicia is in big trouble and Casey is about to tear her a new one. Is this where the cat fight comes in? Casey does look pretty hot in the almost dress ;).....


GREAT dress Casey has on.


That's an amazing dress she's wearing :)


Glad you think so! It was voted on and decided right here at Patreon. :)


I'll admit this page is a little confusing just now, but next week's page will clear up just who she's yelling at I promise. :)


No they didn't yet I assure you, that's why I threw in Felicia's line directing things to a separate room, though that may not have been enough to make things clear. Though just who Casey is yelling at will be obvious in next week's page I promise. :)


He knows more about what a monster Casey is than anyone else in the room lol. Makes sense that he'd hide at least a little. XD


Why does Casey remind of that chick from Lollipop Chainsaw? 😅


Hey you're right she does look like Juliette here! I figured any comparisons would be to Harley Quinn lol.