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EDIT: Darkened Felicia's hair to make her look a little less like Casey.

So Bria has developed some issues since the last time we saw her, but for now she's getting the fix she needs.  She has to know she's on a destructive cycle that can't last, but Bria is smart and has a plan to break that cycle on this very night! But will it go how she hopes it will? :o

In the meantime Bria's getting her horny little hands on former Shadowrun elf Felicia Fortune! The two have some history together in another world, but this is their first canonical encounter. :)




Boy I hope this has a happy ending. Based on previous chapters and the characters that make up the main cast I'm really not holding my breath but I'd quite like to see all this nonsense work out for, at the very least, Casey and Bria.

Stush Cinta

Ooh, Felicia is hot~ And yeah, I hope things work out for her, I mean, there's nothing wrong with enjoying casual sex! It can be great if you manage it properly and don't go overboard. Hopefully her and Casey can be there for eachother.


No spoilers from me lol. But at least there's only two chapters left before you can find out how things end up with those Casey and Bria. ;)


I thought that was Casey before I read your description. They look just alike.

Walter L.

Oh boy. That does make Casey getting into her pants seem a lot more likely. Just to make sure, Casey actually likes/loves Bria, right? So in this case it wouldn't all be about getting her into bed, like it was with Sylvia?


Hot seeing Bria turn from a sweet girl into a sex fiend in this chapter. Also nice to see commission characters making an appearance as well, like Felicia about to get a hard makeout session in the next page. The expression Bria makes in the bottom panel, reminds me a little of Liara from Mass Effect and how she changed from the first game. Except Bria is after sex instead of revenge.


Good dialog, man. Explains what turned a nice girl into a slut. Good stuff.


Looking at it again I guess she's taller than Casey is and her hair might be a little darker.


I'm loving Bria in this chapter, the guy putting his hand on her ass on the second panel is a nice touch, i like that second panel. And that tall chick is about to get her top yanked down? Don't get your foot off the gas pedal on my account!


Threesome is more fun then a twosome :)


Casey does have feelings for Bria yes, she's not just another conquest.


Glad you approve! I really wanted to hit the ground running on this chapter. :)


Hey I dig the comparison, I really liked Liara's character arc in that series. :)

Bob Fink

I like how Bria has become a bit of a slut lately, can't wait to see her and Casey hook up ;)