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As a gamer I'll admit I never got going on the Tekken series of fighting games, where Lili here comes from.  Not that the series didn't look fun or well made, but to me they just didn't have the flash of Street Fighter, the shock value of Mortal Kombat, or the glorious, unbridled smut of Dead or Alive.  As much as I love video games there simply aren't enough hours in the day to play them all I'm afraid.

But the upcoming Tekken 7 has my attention as the most anticipated fighting game on my radar right now. The reason?  Apparently a good deal of very vocal individuals are offended by certain female characters and costumes in the game for being "too sexist."  And now, simply out of curiosity, I want to buy a game I wasn't interested in at all before hearing these people rear up on their hind quarters and start screeching about how sex offends them.  Funny how that works huh?




Contraversy has an interesting way of promoting things. Thanks to the Sad/Rabid Puppy movement, I discovered the likes of N.K. Jemisin, John Scalzi, and Ann Leckie, all of whom are awesome writers.

Bob Fink

Sounds pretty awesome to me and she's very hot! Funny how people can get over a video game 🎮 for petes sake ...


So who was it who busted a nut right in that tight little pussy? And yeah, there is no shortage of morons that get offended over ANYTHING nowadays. Companies need to stop pandering to the retards.


I do agree that more creators need to stick to their guns when confronted by outrage culture. As for who came in Lili I'll go with my default male, who I named Ted.


Oh man, ESPECIALLY over video games. Gamers are one of the most easily set off communities out there lol.


Never heard of that one, sounds like I've got something to look up. :)


Lily here (tekken) should get together with karen in (street fighter) since they're both sexy rich brats :) I am a fan of both, although a over 10yrs ago i fell in love with tekken more and ditched street fighter, tekken characters were balanced anyone can win, in street fighter its not, how is it not surprising the evo video comps its people playing akumas and other shotos not say eg. 'dhalsim'. (SF alpha/zero2 was the best series tho). Tekken mechanics is so good DOA has copied it, mortal kombat has become a tekken clone even now its turned back into 2D and not 3D (eg. Mk4)


Sounds like I picked a good time to jump into the Tekken series with the new one on the way. :)