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Cindy wins the vote this week!  This would normally be where I blog a little about the character, but I've seen a grand total of one trailer for Final Fantasy XV (which she was barely in) and I hardly know a thing about her. 

As I understand it there are two demos available for FFXV,  I played the one that's currently available on PSN. Though it's really more of a tech demo than a proper slice of the game.  I believe there was a meatier demo bundled with the release of Final Fantasy Type 0 HD last year, but I wasn't about to pay full price for a game that was torn to shreds by fans and critics just to check it out.

One thing I do know about Cindy is that she's not a party member, as there are no girls allowed this time around.  A friend of mine proposed an optimistic outlook on the idea: he thinks that this might be a fun opportunity for your male lead to have more than one love interest, to flirt around a little.  As in most FF games if your male lead has a romance at all it's usually with your healer or someone otherwise locked into the party,  and you have little choice in how things will play out.

While that scenario would be fun, personally I think my friend has gotten too used to Western RPGs like Fallout and Mass Effect and hasn't played a JRPG in a good long while.  Granted, I could be wrong, and as I said I have only seen one trailer. But I'd still bet money on the idea that the princess-looking blonde from the trailer is your guy's love interest and that it will be set in stone as part of the story.  But hey they could surprise me.  I guess I'll have to wait until November to find out.



Bob Fink

Awesome render, she look so hot covered in seed ;)


Personally I'd kind of like it if they really broke the mold and made the protagonist gay. I can't recall a single openly gay Final Fantasy character and this 'No Girls Allowed' style seems to be the perfect opportunity for it. It'd be interesting seeing them try to handle that and as long as they make the cutscenes skippable then the homophobes can al fuck off lol. Great picture by the way :P


Thanks, and yeah I seriously doubt anyone's going to get that progressive anytime soon. Hell most game developers are afraid to even have a female protagonist these days. I was trying to think of ANY openly gay protagonists in gaming and the only one I came up with was the guy from Phantasmagoria 2, and even he was bisexual as I recall.


Hmm, I might have to up my pledge and vote for Eliza Cassan.


Wait... there is a girl in this game?


At least two! Just don't think for a second about playing as them. No girls in the FF15 clubhouse!