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Whew! This page certainly took some doing lol. It started on one computer and finished on a second.  I attempted to upgrade to the latest version of Photoshop with the new computer.  The interface may as well have been written in Chinese for how well I understood it. I couldn't even figure out how to change brushes easily.  Phrases like "newfangled" and "gol-dern" were thrown around with reckless abandon.

So did I persevere? Hell no. I uninstalled it and went back to Photoshop CS3, which felt like sitting down in a comfy old chair after spending hours upon a cold, spiky throne.  I had a page to get done today for crying out loud.

But on to the page itself! I  hope you guys enjoyed Abbey's introduction. She will certainly be back. 

Assuming I can track down a decent converter for my new comp the PDF for this chapter hits tomorrow night. :)



Michael Wright

Abby and Casey sitting in a tree k i s s i n g.


Sounds to me like Abbey might have a thing for Casey and it's a little frustrated that she doesn't get anything from her. O_o


Good job capturing the 'tomboy' look for her. Abbey's face seems off model from the 'Level four' image off to my right here. Glad the new PC is working :) Must me something in the air, my wife's laptop died this week too.

Bob Fink

So pretty cool ending, though not exactly what I was hoping for, maybe next time ;). It does sound like Casey might have a thing for Abbey though :).


It's always funny how the hardest piece of new software is getting used to the change in work flow. Glad to see more of your work and long live the new PC!


Oh yeah, Abbey's face has changed big time. I really need to update that level four pic. >


Thank you! Maybe I'll come around to the new Photoshop someday, but it will not be this day lol.


That she might! Sorry if the scene didn't go anywhere especially hot but you know me, I like to do some set up in the story before anyone gets naked with each other.


Anyway, are the bibble black shirts your way of hinting that there may be some futa ideas swirling around in your head for the future?


I've considered opening futa content for commissions, but I'm not sure it would really fit in the world of Switch right now. The BB reference is mostly because I love slipping in stuff like that for readers to catch. :)


why are the goth girls listening to abbey, they seem like they are in a different cliques?


Well if you scroll down far enough in this feed you'll find Trish and Mary's profile that tells the whole story. But I'll save you the trouble and say that she saved them from being dropouts/criminals and they feel like they owe her everything. At least to the point where they'll do her bidding without question anyway.