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That line about controllers is something I've said in real conversation. And why yes, I do have very few close friends left at this point in my life. Thank you for asking! I stubbornly retain that video games are best experienced sitting on a couch in front of a nice big TV, but I also have like 300 games in my Steam library so my argument credibility is pretty much zero. 

This scene has been a very long time coming, I feel. Fun fact: I still had the 3D model of Warren's media room that I used way back for his one and only appearance in Switch. Like Warren himself, the room has gotten a makeover, but the bones are the same! :)




Fuck Morgan looks good. And the fact that Warren is your character I most easily project myself onto isn't helping.

Miles Baughan

Truly an urban legend for the modern audience. A millennial / gen Z fable in the making

Vylon Delta

I love the new Morgan, and I love where this is going!


she's purty

Malcolm Tent

Man I want to see her with Royce now! Bet Casey would love that. Also to be fair they might speak of her in hushed voices but they obviously arent turning her down lol.


I like the precision that office supplies provide D: but other then shooters, I'll usually use controller for most games


Hm- not a fan of "Sexy Morgan" but it seems appropriate for the attitude she's going for, I guess? Part of me’s bummed she's sort of just "another girl who does sexy stuff with everyone" but that's really been called out for a while.

Squid Hills

What I don't get is how Morgan got more than like 3 guys with that scheme. At this point the rumor has spread that she's going to offer to blow you, only to deny you climax *and* threaten your wang. Why do guys *keep* agreeing to let her blow them? She's bitten 100% of the wangs she's blown. What guy hears that and says "I like those odds!" Do the guys at this school all share the same very niche fetish?

Darryl Williams

well, denies orgasm *until* begging forgiveness. I wasn't a bully in elementary school, but under these circumstance, I'd wish I was for the opportunity. It's not like most bullies, especially childhood ones, have a specific problem with or grudge against their targets, so if 'I deeply apologize (for events I barely remember anyways...)' allows for this particular nut, well... then again, maybe that's my penchant for redheads acting up. of course, I presume 'bully girls, incase they become hot and give out revenge blowjobs' isn't going to be the moral of this story by the end of this scene, but hey.


It's no secret Morgan is a fave of mine, although I wish she was still wearing her nerdy shirts. Still, if this is where I think this is going... As long as she keeps wearing her glasses throughout, I'll be personally happy 😀.

Jariah Synn

I laughed too hard at that last bit(e)


I suppose I don't see it that way? To my eyes she has much more of a sexual agenda than any of the other female cast, and isn't just doing stuff with "anyone" at all. She's absolutely picking specific targets and ignoring the rest. As for her outfit, her original look isn't gone for good, she just has a wider range of looks now.


As a fellow member of the pc Master race, I too agree that some games are still better played on a controller. That's why my pc is hooked up to a x box controller and the big TV in front of my couch. Best of both worlds.

Yuu Yi

Def thinking she was trying to distract him for some possibly easy wins with that outfit, loving her expanded wardrobe and the growth of her urban legend.

Bob Fink

She's totally hot and evil as hell!

Lord Washington

You can do both. Play on PC and use a controller. I do that with D2 because a keyboard can never compare to having a controller vibrating in your hands.


Warren kind of walking into some red flags there dude, don't catch feelings for a chick blowing everyone in her path.

Alex Barton

Interesting development but... Can't help wishing we'd gone back to (hopefully) Abbey getting her mouth round Courtney's boobs as the next storyline up...


Mouse and keyboard are objectively superior to a controller in FPS, RTS, MOBA games.


Real party game with friends are always on a controller


Hey Rein, my only work colleague says exactly the same as you. Except the Steam part. We have a long and still going discussion. But the truth is - PC master race, bitch. Bitch goes mainly to Warren. :) As brilliantly explained in this video https://youtu.be/0Mjz6j_CUzA.

Daniel S

Give me a mouse and keyboard any day. Extra costs aside, I'm bad enough with a mouse and keyboard, a controller is like only letting me play with one hand.


Just thought about this: what are Warren and Morgan's favorite videogames?


She's right you know. Mouse and keyboard all the way! :D


Ah we’re back to my favorite character, Morgan. Was hoping to check in on Lydia, it’s been awhile since we’ve seen her.

Pat Bryant

Is Warren the Mary Sue of this story? Hmm... Really nice hooters on Morgan. Even allowing for the RMMF (Reinbach Mammary Magnification Factor, which I reckon to be about 3X) they're something I'd like to see in reality.

frank barry

Morgan is hotter than ever, even without the new top.


Oh for sure, I really meant this more of a PC player vs console fanboy sort of thing.


I can add that to the strip list if you like, but the broad stroke is that Warren is more into retro console stuff while Morgan is more modern PC.


Hard to say who the Mary Sue would be lol, as there's at least some of my personality in every character, even the girls. In fact, especially the girls. That's where it starts to get weird!


Oh man, didn't notice the soul reaver shirt until you made the next page! So awesome!