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EDIT: Wasn't happy with Sakura's face, it looked like she was wearing black lipstick. Also included a version without her and my old Chun Li pic!

When I picked up the Street Fighter Anniversary collection on Switch, I finally got to play the elusive Street Fighter 3 for the first time. I immediately gravitated towards Elena here, not just because she's easily the nudest fighter in the franchise history, but because good lord the animation on her idle stance alone is insane. I've been practicing with her about a year, and with a bit more training, I may actually win a fight someday.

I'm exaggerating, but not by a lot. The collection is of the arcade versions of Street Fighter, as opposed to the console ports that typically had difficulty settings to tinker with. Arcade rules means you can make it through two or maybe three fights before the game politely reminds you to put another quarter in by stomping your ass into the pavement without mercy.

I'll admit this could be just me. As much as I love the style and flash of a good 2D fighting game, I've never excelled at them.  My thumbs just aren't up to the inputs these games ask of me. To this day I can't pull off a shoryuken if my character is facing to the left, and even when facing right, it's iffy. Most of my matches end with me desperately trying to perform a double half-circle special move, only for my opponent to easily crush me as I flail around like a dog is trying to wrestle the controller out of my hands. 

Anyhow the headline here is that I think Elena is cool, and needs more attention. Hope you all have a good Monday!    




I was never a huge Street Fighter fan but I bought the 30th Anniversary Street Fighter for my Switch too. 2 things happened. Alpha 2 and Third Strike became my some of my favorite fighters and I had to replace the joysticks because trying to do all the half circle and quarter circle motions gave my Joycons drift.

Dorian Alton

Fighting games have always been a tricky proposition for me. I'm never into them enough to play competitively, or follow the competitive scene. (And this can apply to a lot of multiplayer, I suppose.) So I enjoy picking up 1-player more for a bit...which is fun, but doesn't usually justify buying the game for me. I think as with a lot of folks, some of the sweet spots for playing multiplayer fighting games were when a group of friends got into something for a while, enough that were getting better and keeping pace to be challenging to each other, without one person being so into it that they rocketed ahead of the rest of us.


Have you ever drawn Chun-Li before? My favourite video game female of all time.


Now "Beats in my head" is playing on loop in my brain


Neat job with the hair! I love how "sketchy" that looks, in a way. That's a really cool effect!


I need a good single player content game to get invested, and I feel like that era may be over, sadly. I had a blast with Soul Calibur 4 and Dead or Alive 5 plowing through the challenges and unlocking new skins and other content. But in modern fighting games...they just charge you extra for that stuff. Dead or Alive 6 was the most egregious example I can think of. X(


Thanks! One of the Elena reference pics I looked up had it that way, and I liked it. :)


As it was destined to! That top is nonsensical for fighting even by anime standards. XD