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As one might expect, Casey is the type that once she gets what she wants she immediately starts pushing for the next thing. ><

So I had a fascinating development in my career as an online artist yesterday.  At Hentai Foundry it appears I've attracted my first shameless, virulent troll.  By this I mean their comments weren't even in the ballpark of constructive criticism. This guy doesn't just hate the comic he hates me, and he's expressed as much with all the eloquence of a child who just learned how to swear.

I refer to this as fascinating because I follow a good deal of successful internet personalities on Youtube, and one of the more memorable quotes I've heard is something along the lines of "If you aren't attracting trolls, you simply don't have a big enough audience yet and need to keep working."  So I view this as a milestone in a demented sort of way.  My artwork isn't going anywhere and I'm going to keep practicing to improve, so in theory my audience is only going to grow, so this sorry goon is likely to be the first of many and something I need to know how to handle.

So the question is how do I handle it? I know better than to argue with them or engage them directly, not only because life is too short but because nothing good can come of it. If I attempted to sic my fanbase on him that could only lead to my comment sections being full of hateful arguments.  Also don't see much point in deleting the comments, and blocking or reporting them seems futile because free online profiles are perfectly disposable and there'd be nothing to stop them from making a new one, now armed with the knowledge that they can get my attention.

So anyhow all signs seem to point to "ignore them" but that doesn't feel completely right to me either. This guy spewed all over three separate pages of the comic with such enthusiasm that I can't help but think he'll be back when I post tomorrow. So if it happens again I'm toying with the idea of addressing the audience at HF directly on the matter and outlining some of what I've mentioned just now.

So why am I being so candid here?  Well while Patreon supporters are still technically part of my audience I consider you guys to be more of a collection of friends and allies that I can talk straight to a bit more than when I post to a general audience elsewhere.  Anyhow I hope you like the new page and if you have any thoughts or input on today's topic let me know in the comments. :) 




Well you should report the account and let the site admins deal with him, if he keeps making accounts to do this, they should be able to see the traffic coming from a common IP address and IP ban him.


Ignore him. Seriously, trolls want attention. Pretend he doesn't exist, don't even glance at his comments once you see his alias.

Michael Wright

Agreed, just ignore them. Your artwork is amazing!


We'll see, though putting thoughts of violence in Sylvia's head may have just killed the mood lol. XD


Thanks! And don't worry this sort of thing doesn't get to me on a personal level, I'm just trying to decide on how to handle it from a business standpoint. :)


That's interesting, I didn't know if Hentai Foudry could ban an IP. If this guy persists it may come to that.


So what happens if she actually gets everything she wants? Will she just want more?


She definitely seems to be on a path that can't go on forever. I'll say that much at least. ;)

Bob Fink

Well on the troll topic, ignore the twit and eventually it will go away. Now on the subject of Casey/Switch, there are two threesomes I'd like to see. Sylvia, Casey and Royce. Then Bria, Casey and Sylvia ;)....


Stick around for the next chapter then, all I can say for now is that Bria will get involved. :D

Stush Cinta

Ahaha, congrats on attracting the bad attention :P Seriously, though, you do amazing work, and the people who love you outnumber the people who don't!


I'd say don't feed trolls, unless they begin to become a legit threat to the community. Most of them have a high metabolism so to speak, so with no food they quickly burn through their interest and fall off. Keep up the great work, I love the emergent drama here. I could even imagine a time lapse page where on the right side Roy and Casey narrowly avoid being caught through a few panels, and in the left Casey is in various states of masturbating while Roy is fucking Sylvia.


That nipple sucking and that threat! My own particular perversion means I hope they do get caught...


Nice idea, I like the concept of Casey and Royce pushing the boundaries of what they can get away with. :)


Hey thanks and you're right. I've probably given this more attention than it deserves already. :)


It'd be nice if royce titty fucks one of them or both.


Hentai Foundry lets you block a user so you don't have to read his comments. Having seen one of the comments I think you're referring to, I'd suggest you block him for making personal attacks, and then starve him of any attention.


I'd certainly considered that, but couldn't he just start a new profile and keep at it then? I imagine trolls are at least notified when they get blocked.


Blocking sounds like a good idea. If they get a new profile, you could just block his new profile, couldn't you?


Yeah I suppose I could, that may be what I end up doing depending on how things go.


Just reply with "k" to his comments. Haha


castrate, a man's only weakness XD

Walter L.

Honestly. just ignore the trolls. They are just sad crazy people. I do that, it doesn't always work out, because from time to time they manage to rile me up, but in general just ignoring them seems to be the best for my peace of mind. I mean, I only write fanfics and don't have as many readers as you have people looking at your pictures, but I had to deal with trolls like that guy as well.


Sad crazy people is well put and your advice makes sense. Unless he ends up being a persistent detriment to my commenters I'll just ignore him.