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So Elisa Maza here is a New York police detective from the 1994 animated series, Gargoyles. I remember thinking the show was Disney's answer to the success Warner Bros had found with it's dark and edgy Batman: The Animated Series.

Not an easy show to compete with if you ask me, as I still regard that Batman cartoon as pretty much the best animated anything ever created. But Gargoyles held its own admirably with its dramatic world and it's downright ballsy subject matter for the time.

One example that stands out to me was an episode where the lesson for  young viewers was "don't play with guns."  The lesson in and of itself was nothing special, what stood out was the execution. While one of the gargoyles is playing with Elisa's handgun in her apartment, he accidentally shoots her and she collapses in a puddle of blood.  She survived of course but damn, you certainly didn't see THAT shit on Darkwing Duck.

Anyhow I haven't seen the show in quite some time but I'm guessing it has aged well and would still be worth watching today. It deserves praise for not only its memorable stories but also for its remarkable ability to round up so many Star Trek actors to voice its cast. If you haven't seen it it's worth checking out. :)




She was always one of my faves growing up


Well I'm disappointed Lana Kane didn't win but I'm still pretty thrilled to see Ms. Eliza getting some love. Well done Reinbach!

Bob Fink

I'd watch it if for no other reason then to see Elisa, even if I would have to use my imagination as you have so amazinly done here ;)


Thanks! And yes that would take some imagination lol. I don't remember it perfectly but I'm pretty sure she always had her clothes on during the show. XD

ConoSaurus Rex

You know I voted the other way because I had totally forgotten who Elisa was until I looked it up.


Oh well, she surelly does have a....rock hard lover, ay?


Understandable. I'd say Gargoyles is a cult classic but it's hardly well known today.


Thanks, and the red jacket is pretty similar now that you mention it. I did a Misato pic last year if you'd like to check it out over at Hentai Foundry. :)


Holy shit! I used to LOVE Elisa! Great work!

Jariah Synn

Can confirm, show was awesome!