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The way I see it, Lara Croft has three iterations: the classic, balloon-breasted big lipped original of the PS1 era, the softer, less exaggerated version of the character from the PS2 era, and the rough, gritty, and lithesome version of the modern games. Personally the PS2 Lara (shown here) is my favorite. She still retained a lot of what made the original personality fun without going completely humorless like the modern version. (In case I'm not being obvious enough I was disappointed with Rise of the Tomb Raider.) But to be fair I'm so fond of this character in all her forms that I'd be happy to draw her any time. :)




Is this a one-off or a series? I'm keen to see the finale :)


Very nice


As of now it's a one-off but who knows? Sometimes when I let a client know there is public interest in a follow up it happens. :)

Walter L.

Don't get me wrong, I think the classic Tomb Raider is sexy, but the new one is just such a much better character. I haven't played Rise, but I loved the first of the new games to pieces. I never got into Tomb Raider before, bought 2 or 3 games and never played through them.


Great picture, totally in agreement with your statement. Rise just felt flat when compared with the first one in the reboot. Not that it was a bad game at all. It just lacked anything new. Classics still my fav :D


So who's the luckie sob?


I'm still pissed about that timed exclusivity bullshit. That was a huge "fuck you" to fans. When they release it for Playstation it better come with all the DLC.


I call him "Default Male A." He shows up quite a lot in my commissions. :)


For me it was the story that didn't work this time around. Gameplay-wise it was fun enough but now that Lara was no longer a victim of circumstance fighting for her life she lost the one thing that made her sympathetic in the first game. Also I think from now on there should be a law against the "chosen child finishes the mission of long dead parents while fighting a shadowy corporation" plot cliche. It really has been done to death.


Well don't let my negativity sway you from playing Rise of the Tomb Raider, I'm a jaded old gamer and I can be hard to please lol. It's a very well made game and I'm sure you'll like it if you play it. :)


I like lara as a easter egg in "duke nukem 3D" where you see duke cupping laras boobs in a magazine :D

Walter L.

I might see the same weaknesses in the story. I also felt they should have probed Lara's psyche way more. In the first game we see her killing for the first time, losing beloved people in front of her eyes. And she hurts, and is shocked, but somehow pulls through. I would have loved if in Rise we'd have gotten a Lara dealing with the moral ramifications of her actions, not because the bad guys didn't deserve it, but because of what she became through them. Something like her having PTSD would have been cool. Otoh, the complete absence of Sam both as a connection to Lara's softer side and as someone adding a bit of humour in the game has been noted by people whose opinion I value.


Personally I was disappointed with Sam's absence too. And you have some solid points there. Hopefully they take note of the criticisms and make the changes to the next game.


Yep its on a magazine/newstand in-game You can google image "lara croft duke" and see it too

Bob Fink

I like this version the best, she looks amazing!


Thanks! Sounds like we're on the same page as to which Lara is best. :)