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Hey everybody I've decided to make little posts like this when I have news for Patreon supporters so here goes!

May was another great month at Patreon! Thanks as always to everyone for their generous support, it's done an amazing job of keeping me and the comic going!

The first thing I'd like to address is in regards to if you'd like to contact me directly. Lately my mailbox has been consistently busy, and I like to think that as my work progresses it will get even busier.

The downside? This has caused me to miss a message here and there!  So what I'd like to remind you all of here is that I never knowingly ignore a message or a comment here at Patreon. If you tried to reach me and I didn't respond then please, try again, maybe through another angle? For example leaving a comment on my Hentai Foundry profile is something I find hard to miss.

The second matter is that  I've raised my rates for commissions slightly. Nothing major, I'm just going from $45 for one character to $50, and from $25 for the second character to $30.  So far I've been raising the rates about every six months or so and it's worked well. I've seen other artists around my skill level who charge $70-$80 for a single character so I believe I'm still on the inexpensive side. But I just wanted to announce this to everyone here so if you contact me for a commission it won't seem like I'm upping prices out of nowhere.

And the last order of business is that I've decided to postpone my summer vacation week this year from June until July, largely because this chapter of Switch is going to be longer than I anticipated and I don't want to take a week off until it's done.

And that's everything! Thanks for reading and I hope you all like today's page of the comic! :D




I always thought it was crazy how you could reply to so much but hey reinbach is a man of the people :D


agreed, its good to communicate with the fans now thats dedication, I hope you enjoy your upcoming holiday :)


Thanks! I'm sure my vacation will involve booze and ancient video games as always lol. :)


Yeah, honestly, as much as I loathe to admit it... you could probably get away with charging MUCH more. Looking at the other artists who charge $40-50 a character, you are MUCH better than all of them, to the point where aside from a few things (like one or two do nearly movie-accurate Disney girls), it feels like a steal to get your stuff. It's ESPECIALLY a steal when you consider your speed- I don't think I've seen an artist on your talent level work anywhere NEAR as quickly. I can't really think of any artists better than you. Kumi Pumi is around as good (and charges WAY more). Faymantra is fantastic, though oddly I like his cheaper "sketch" style way more than his more "complete" full-color Photoshop-style, as that introduces some weirdness. Some artists are certainly more "detailed", but that's because they're super-good with Photoshop and put in semi-realistic details. But I'm not nearly as into that as I am your more cartoony style- I actually like your art more than stuff like that. So, uh, what I'm saying is (I can't believe I'm saying this) you could totes be charging more and it would still be "fair". But I'd prefer if you didn't :).


Hey thanks for saying so! I have been slowly raising my prices but it's a gradual process. Don't want longtime clients feeling like I'm jacking up prices out of nowhere.


I would settle for jacking up the prices for everyone else, but leaving them the way they are just for me :).