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You know in retrospect, it's a damn miracle I never once, as far as I know, ever slipped and described Switch as a "she" by accident when typing in comments to my pages.  Thankfully the cat's out of the bag now so I don't have to worry about my own absent-mindedness blowing it for anyone lol.

So we finally see a bit more of how Switch looks through Casey's eyes! I confess that I fussed over and reworked this page more than any other two pages put together so far.  At first I rendered Switch entirely in the same glowing scribbles she talks with, as I did when I showed her hand during the shower scene in chapter 4. But in the end I decided that the effect looked, well, lazy.  So that's why Switch is much more solid now than last we saw her.  I also decided that when she's in solid form talking to Casey she needs normal text when she talks, as the scratchy letters need to be bigger to be legible. This works fine normally, but when she's speaking more than sentence or two at a time those letters simply take up too much space. From a storytelling perspective I imagine it as a matter of how focused on Switch Casey is. Switch is often interrupting her when she's focused on someone else, so Casey doesn't see or hear her as well. But things get sharper when it's just the two of them.

I'm posting this early today because I have some errands that will be dragging me away from my desk tonight around the time I normally post. Hope everyone's having a great evening and thanks as always for following my comic! :D




Woot! First glimpse of the Switch!!!


I know this erotic ART but super interested in where this is going. I thought the switch was just a second personality

Bob Fink

I think it's awesome that we finally get to see Switch in solid form, not that Casey seems too thrilled about the whole thing :-)


Well, I always figured Switch was female. She just seemed, almost maternal toward Casey in a way. Though given the size of that claw before, I figured Switch was rather inhuman. Not that a normal human has claws, shark teeth, floating chains, and glowing glyph halos.

ConoSaurus Rex

This is how Casey views Switch... I'll keep my thoughts and questions to myself.


Well I hope you stick around long enough to see the answers! :D


True enough! I actually felt like I could have made her look a bit MORE monstrous, it's not often I get to design something like her and I had to resist the temptation to go nuts lol.


Well she's still mad about Royce putting her in her place and Switch isn't helping lol.


Did you intend to make Switch a female since the beginning ? This whole time I pictured a male.


What happened to the blanket in the first panel? How come her lower body is suddently exposed? She was covered up in the last page. You just wanted to show off her panties, didn't you? <_< It just looks a little off since she has her hands crossed, doesn't make sence for her to pull the blanket down only to go back to crossing her arms before getting off the bed... hehe Oh, and on a different note, I also imagined switch as male for some reason, go figure.


Well for one thing,yes I did just want to show her panties so you got me. In my head I imagined her starting to to kick her covers off in that panel but I suppose I could have shown that in her legs a bit more.


I did always imagine Switch as female myself, but i did my damnedest to keep her dialog as gender neutral as possible so I certainly don't blame you for picturing a guy.


¿? I'm quite surprised.


interesting turn of events :) like most people here i thought switch had a male influenced tone, I didn't feel switches hand was lazy, it was nice and added to the tone of the page. Giving too much solid form to switch may give it a feel like switch might be some ghost like switch is real, i thought it was a 'inner' casey speaking. I still think its cool tho :P


Thanks for the input! I did feel like the hand alone looked fine all sketchy, but when I drew that second panel of her face in that scribbly style it just felt to me that it looked unfinished. It worked out though, I like Switch better in solid form. Though I'll use her this way quite sparingly for the rest of the story. Switch works best when she's chiming in on things that are happening to Casey, but if she's always there in person she'll be pretty damn distracting in a visual sense.