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I thought Patreon supporters deserved an early warning that five foot two inches of problems are about to land in the world of Switch at the end of this chapter! Introducing the main character's nemesis in the second to last chapter may seem a bit late in the game from a narrative standpoint, but I've got big plans for Abbey McKay as my comics will go on and I've been dying to get to her.  I don't want to say too much about her before she's even properly introduced, but I've got a few details for you guys here that shouldn't blow much.

Abbey got to be the most popular girl at Tecumseh High School largely due to her steadfast dedication (some would say obsession) to her public image.  Abbey plays up her cute, youthful appearance to maximum effect, with a carefully rehearsed adorable giggle and the ability to produce real tears as needed being tools in her kit.

Does this make her a bad person?  Most people don't seem to think so.  A little superficial perhaps, as sharp observers will notice she seems to be hiding her true self.  But she's nice to everyone she meets.  She even reaches out to troubled peers and helps them with their problems, as she did with Trish and Mary Carter.

But an altercation with Casey Holland led to Abbey getting punched in the face at school.  And if Casey had known the consequences of doing so, she might have kept her hands to herself.  Having her perfect looks tarnished by a black eye for a whole week was an unforgivable offense to Abbey on a deep emotional level.  And ever since then she feels like she can never get back at Casey enough.

Continued in the upcoming bonus chapter! :D




I see you changed her appearance. Looks a lot different than the pic on the $60 tier level.


True enough! I first drew her almost a year ago after all. Since then I decided the cast was in dire need of a small, petite body type so I shrank her down.


Hard to believe there are only 2 chapters left. I mean, no Abbey yet (and anyone who tries to be that popular has got to be a psycho underneath), no full view of Switch yet. No Casey/Bria. No Casey/Royce/Her Mom. I...can't guess what's going to happen really. Please tell me the characters will still make appearances after the comic is done? *whimpers*


I don't want to talk too much about it because it could be a year away and who knows what could happen. (The last two chapters could be pretty long.) But as of now I can tell you that the current plan is to include this cast in my next comic after Switch is finished. :)

Bob Fink

Oh snap, I can't wait to see what this sexy redhead has in store for Casey, I'm sure we will all enjoy it even if Casey doesn't ;-)


Huh, it sounds like this story might not have such a happy ending. I'm curious just how dark you can go on something like this. Although I am glad to hear that at least some of these characters will be returning for whatever the next mega-comic ends up being.


Well i certainly don't want to say anymore about the ending than I already have, but yeah as for most of the cast i doubt I'll be ready to let them go by next year.


Wow! I was really wonder who she is... I really exited to see her in action. <3


So I came back to this post to see how similar her and Holly are. You said you were going to trade some of Abbey's original traits with other characters but from reading this it seems like her obsession with her public image is her biggest trait. The whole reason she hates Casey is because she ruined her perfect image.


Well to me at least, being obsessed with how others see you isn't the same as wanting to make a lot of friends and be popular. Abbey's fixation with what others think of her comes from a place of insecurity, Holly is much more confident in herself and just simply enjoys attention.