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EDIT: I changed Royce's dialog in panel three from "You don't trust anyone, that's why you're so alone," to "You only see and expect the worst in people." When I wrote it I thought of Royce meaning it in an emotional sense, but upon further consideration I decided a guy who is cheating on his wife has no right to lecture about trust lol.

This may sound strange but visually I'm glad to get some clothes back on Casey. I had a color scheme in mind for this chapter involving muted backgrounds and brightly colored characters. But I failed to account for the fact that when Casey took her clothes off she would take a lot of my color with her and I felt like things looked a little drab.  Lesson learned though, I'll remember to plan for that next time. :)




Right in the feels


Damn I bet switch is laughing a bit right now :)


Good call! Switch will have a good deal to say in the next couple of pages. :)

Bob Fink

Awesome new page, way to go Royce putting Casey in her place for once and calling her bluff!!


Yeah but we get some quality nudity in the first panel. So it's all good :) I like the character development, though I'm a little surprised by Royce. I sort of figured he viewed Casey as a cock socket, nice to be wrong about that.


Story is getting juicey :)


Well I want to keep him as likable as a guy cheating on his wife can be. :)


Casey looks damn good with or without clothes ;)


Thanks! As the star i do my best to make her as hot as possible. :)