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Sex montage! As a rule, I don't like to do two full sex scenes back to back in the same chapter.  There is story stuff I really want to get to in the coming pages and I want to keep things moving at a steady clip, so I may work in these "quickies" every now and then.

Meanwhile Royce sure is being quiet. Maybe he didn't appreciate finding out that Casey considers him her slave?




My kind of montage...


Hey, I'm not complaining, reinbach.

Michael Wright

Wow that's a lot of cum in her. I hope she's on birth control.


Great! These short little sex scenes will be a handy tool to have as the size of the cast expands. :)

Bob Fink

Casey sure is laying it on thick as she gets her rocks off and Royce's expense, not that I would complain if I were him.


Curious about her other personality in all this


Switch will definitely have something to add in the next few pages. :)


You'll see just how he handles things in the next two pages. :)


the "twap" is always amazing


Thanks! I'm always on the look out for new sound effects that don't sound silly lol.


For some reason, i use to think casey had a thing for royce, regardless if her feelings were genuine or merely because she wanted him because he was a toy her mum had and was just jealous. Surprised she went all [SUPER CRAZYjin] on him.


You may not be wrong. :) The next few pages should be quite telling on that subject.