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Thanks for waiting all! This one was meant to be an extension of the talking heads segment from the previous page. As I mentioned yesterday, I consider it a little light on artwork for a sole update for a week, but it does have some things going for it that I like. I'm glad to get an Elianna appearance, for one. As the star of the story, I decided early on that I should have her show up at least once in every chapter, even if it's just a quick cameo. (I then completely forgot to work her into the Casey/Abbey chapter and felt like a chump.) Another plus is that if you've explored all the current dialog options in the visual novel, you've no doubt seen that Millie has quite a crush on Elianna, and I'm pleased to get a chance to work that into the main comic.

Hope you like this one in any case. On my end, I'm settled in at my new home and ready to rock this coming week. :)





Millie is for sure THICC. And hopefully we put a pin on this crush on fellow best girl Elliana! Those two together will probably be great fun!

Bob Fink

It would be nice if Millie could tone Elliana down a tad and get her juices flowing.XD


I’m gonna laugh if Dr Nurse is who talks Eliana into exploring her sexuality instead of deciding on it, all without laying a finger on her.


Oh, I like this pairing. I ship it.

Jariah Synn

Uh... I don't think Millies idea of interrogation is the standard one..... Elianna is especially cute here for some reason... Conspiracy...


I feel like millie want to give her a soft yet firm kink session.


Elianna blushing at even a "chaste" hug is pretty funny- I wonder if she detects Millie's adoration of her.

Vylon Delta

It feels bad to admit it, but I am VERY much looking forward to Elianna succumbing to lust 😁


I need more to go on before I can form a reply, as I confess I don't know what you mean by that. XD