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I went to visit my parents recently, I was helping them clean their garage and I discovered a box of 90's era Marvel comics I thought I'd lost for good. I brought them back with me and have been reading through them for nostalgia's sake.

The X-Men in particular were a huge deal when I was growing up. The popularity of the Saturday morning cartoon ensured that everyone you knew had a favorite character. Mine was Cyclops and I stand by him to this day. (He nailed Jean, Psylocke, and White Queen!)  Anyhow no matter who your favorite was it seemed like everybody had a soft spot for Rogue, myself included so here she is this week. :)



Bob Fink

This is so awesome, she never looked better ;-)!


Thanks! I thought about using the classic 90's costume but those one-piece suits are such a pain for porn lol.


"Aw, come on, sugah! You got some on my nose!" Can't touch her skin, but you can...glaze it? I suppose that even gives him an excuse not to clean up his own mess! :P


I'd put on some heavy gloves and clean her up anyway if I were him. You don't want to piss off a girl who can lift a car. XD


Yeah, the X-Men were HUGE in the '90s. I was all about Psylocke at the time (Cyke never actually nailed her- he just fantasized about her until he got married), since Jim Lee gave her the sexiest costume ever (which was actually just a recolored Elektra costume- did anyone else ever notice that?), and tried to give all the other women less-sexy designs (look at the atrocity Jean was wearing during this time period). Nowadays I think my favorite X-lady is Siryn... except of course there's KITTY PRYDE, my eternal goddess of lust. Me and every writer to write the X-Men after 2000 were in love with her as kids, so of course every writer hooks Kitty up with an idealized version of themself. I'd make fun... except that's what I'd do if I wrote the X-Men, too :). Hottest chick in Marvel, though, is THUNDRA. Seven feet tall, built like a brick shithouse, busty as hell, and openly hostile to all men. Basically the perfect woman :).


Man I could have sworn I had a comic that was all about Cyclops having a very real affair with Psylocke but I could be wrong. I never managed to follow story arcs consistently back then.