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Jessica Labelle is back for more! :D  I'm a big fan of her glasses here.  Makes me wish I had a character in Switch that wore them. I feel like they would have fit nicely on Bria, but if I was going to do it I should have shown her wearing them earlier in the story.  Oh well, good thing I've got new characters on the way. :)




Well, you COULD just say she was wearing contacts the whole time but lost them at some point between her last appearance and the next one... But I personally think that glasses wouldn't really fit Bria.


I'm not a huge gangbang fan but I have to admit, this one here is pretty hot. :)

Walter L.

Bria could always get a prescription for glasses now, nto everoyne gets them at young or old age.

Bob Fink

This is so awesome, very well done and I would love to see Bria in glasses, she'd look hot!!


Thanks as always, and yeah I'll kick some ideas around. somebody's getting glasses sooner or later lol.


Well it would be in line with the personality traits she has that haven't yet come up in the comic, such as how intelligent she is and how much she loves to read. But yeah they would be a little out of nowhere if I put them on her this late in the comic.


First and foremost: you've done a lovely job bringing the cum to life. I really like how real it looks, particularly the part arcing over her breast. Very lovely. Second, what's this character from? Her name seems familiar to me . . .


She's an OC actually, she belongs to a friend of the client. And I'm glad you like how the come turned out, that can be a tricky think to render.

Stush Cinta

Holy crap! This is incredible. :D


Maybe casey uses glasses for reading? :)


That would certainly look hot, but of all the ladies it would fit her personality the least. In the world of character design glasses imply bookish intelligence. And while Casey is certainly smart in a cunning sort of way, her grades are so bad she has to dress up in cosplay and fuck her teacher once a month to pass his class. XD