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Promiscuous as she is, Casey doesn't think about sex all the time, not normally anyway.  But lately it seems like there's no escaping her own lust.  Between how much fucking her stepfather behind her mother's back turns her on, and the progress she's made towards the possibility of sex with Bria and Sylvia, she finds her hands sliding towards her pussy pretty much whenever she's got a few minutes alone.

Things are great with Royce at home, but it's not enough.  She needs someone she can fuck at school to get her through the day.  Mr. Fontaine is too careful for that, and she doesn't want to give him the satisfaction of making her beg for it anyway.  No, it's time to redouble her efforts with Bria.

Ever since Casey rescued her from that party, Bria has been much more affectionate.  But she still gets evasive when Casey suggests anything that sounds like sleepover.  So if she can't coax Bria into a bedroom, she'll have to be seduced in the wild.

To be continued in Chapter 7! :D




Rear drive? Or is she more of a 4 on the floor kind of girl?

Walter L.

Go for it Casey!


Gotta love some evolving hypersexuality. I love imagining this sort of thing going on behind the scenes anytime I see an attractive woman workign somewhere. Sadly I think only Casey is one to actually do it lol.

Bob Fink

I love this, is this going to be another episode like the one you did with Bria? I think it would be awesome as you can get so much more detail in this method.


Sounds good.


I see we're skipping the main course and right to the dessert, yummy XP


While looking for that Abbey post I also came across this one. You mention here how Fontaine was too careful to fuck Casey at school. I guess he's starting to get bolder and taking more risk since he had no problem keeping Bria after class.


Hey thanks for asking! The fact is a lot of time there simply isn't room for explanations to apparent contradictions like this in the main comic. Mr. Fontaine fucked Casey after school once, in the commission that introduced him. And he never did so again because she's simply too loud, crazy, and unpredictable. I know Bria was making some noise in the comic but she's downright discreet compared to how Casey would be. So more to the point, Mr. Fontaine isn't against sex after school, it just looks that way to Casey because he never asked her again.