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I was pleased that my recent Star Wars pin up went over well enough that I would get hired for a Warcraft version! Since starting out working on commissions I've drawn more hot lady orcs than I ever imagined I would.  And I'm not complaining. :D




I love the subtle teases of nudity and the general atmosphere of this image. The commissioner definitely go his money's worth on this one and we get to reap the rewards!


Hey glad you think so! It's fun to go with subtle every now and then. :)


Very sexy front and back poses these two are in. its an awesome mix of both alluring and intimidating at once. When i saw the title "Warcraft Pin Up" i first thought of the movie Warcraft.


You know, I was a huge WoW player back when it first came out. I haven't kept up on the game but I still think the upcoming movie looks cool. :)


Dem is some hot ass orcs

Bob Fink

This is so cool!


Thanks! I've certainly had a few drawings to practice them. :)