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     It's a risk, but Guy decides not to tell Bria that they are being watched, not right away.  After all, there's a chance that he'll never see her again after tonight, and that video Drew is shooting would make one hell of a souvenir to remember her by.  No telling how she'll react if she finds out she was being recorded this whole time,  so Guy decides to roll the dice and see how far he can take this.

    "Hey," says Guy.  "I want you to do something for me."

    "Like what?" asks Bria.

    "I want you to suck my dick.  All this talk about a girl wanting to fuck you is working me up again."

     She smiles. "Okay."

     Bria keeps her eyes fixed on his and glides down his torso with her hands.  She takes his dick into her mouth and makes it about halfway down his shaft before she starts to gag and pulls back.  She takes a breath and goes down again, a little farther this time.

     She's settling into a rhythm now. Her head bobs up and down, she makes loud slurping sounds as she drools all over his dick.  Her eyes are watering and she's a little out of breath but she keeps at it.

     More movement. Drew has crept into the living room. Apparently he wasn't happy with the shot from the foyer. Guy wants to signal him, wave him away, anything to make him back off.  But Bria's steady eye contact makes such actions impossible without alerting her.  This idiot could ruin everything.

     Despite the distraction Guy feels himself about to come.  He manages a quick word of warning before he bursts into her mouth. She wraps those shiny red lips tightly around his cock and starts gulping hard. She manages four, five heavy swallows before she sputters and chokes. Thick white come dribbles out from her mouth and nose.

     She sits up and takes a shaky breath, wiping in vain with her hands at her messy chin. "Whew! Well did you-"

     Drew attempts to back out of the room, but trips over one of Guy's discarded shoes and falls over backwards.  Bria shrieks and covers herself.  Drew tries to babble something about how he's sorry but she was just too beautiful not to capture on video.  She just screams at him to get out of the room.  She's up and dressed in seconds and she turns her focus to Guy.

     "You..how long did you know he was there?" she says.

      "Well I.."  Guy draws a blank. She picks his jeans off the floor and wipes the come off her face with them before throwing them at him on the couch.

       She shakes her head scornfully.  "That's... that's just great.  I told you all that personal stuff, I fucked you even though I don't even know you and you just- you just play me you jerk!"

      "Bria please just let me explain."  As Guy fumbles to get his soggy pants on he hears the sound of gravel being crunched by tires outside in the driveway.

      Bria looks out the window.  "Hmph." she says.  "Looks like one of my texts got through after all."

      Drew calls out from the foyer: "Uh, Guy?  Why is Crazy Holland stomping across my lawn like she's gonna break my door down?"

      Crazy Holland?! What the hell is that psycho doing he-

      Crazy Holland, Crazy Casey Holland.  Bria's Casey.


      Guy seriously considers bolting for a bathroom and locking himself in. 

      Too late.  She's beating on the door with a ferocity that shakes it in its frame.  Before Drew can even decide where to hide she tries the knob, unlocked.  She storms into the house and gets in Drew's face.


     "Fat faced-," Drew puts his hands on his cheeks.  "God why are you so mean?"

      "I'm here, Case," says Bria.

       Casey comes over to Bria and looks her up and down,  as though checking her for injuries. Casey's voice wavers a little when she asks if she's okay.

      "I'm alright Case, just an unlucky night. Come on let's go."

      Casey takes Bria's hand and leads her towards the door.  Bria scowls at Guy as she is escorted past him.

      "Listen Bria," says Guy.  "I just-"

      "How's this for playing it more aloof Guy?" says Bria, and she walks out the door and shuts it behind her.

     After a few quiet moments Drew creeps into the room.  "Well dude, was it worth it?"

     Guy leans back and breathes a heavy sigh. "You know what? It was."

     "That's good bro, because you owe me a carpet shampoo and a new fucking couch."

     The sun is just coming up as  Casey leads Bria to her truck.    

     Keep your mouth shut. Don't ruin this with some petty-

      Casey whirls around at Bria. "I told you those CUNTS were trouble and you should stay away from 'em!"


     "They meant well Case," says Bria. "They didn't know my so-called date would ditch me."

      "Maybe they didn't care either way you ever think of that?!  And besides, Lindsey and those other bitches work for Abbey! Who's side are you on here!?"

     'Work for?' Abbey is a cheerleader, not a mob boss for chrissakes.

     Casey starts to rant some more but is cut off when Bria steps in close and kisses her.  She kisses hard and passionately, no longer resisting in the least like she did during their first kiss a week ago.  Casey wraps her arms around her friend and sucks on her toungue. Finally Bria pulls back and smiles.

     "What was that for?" asks Casey.

     "For being my hero," says Bria.  "I want you to know that I love you and I trust you.  And I know that deep down you only want what's best for me,  in your own way."

      Casey gently squeezes Bria's ass and gets her hand slapped playfully.

     "Case why do you always have to make things pervy?"

      "I can't help myself."

       Bria laughs and they get in the truck.  Casey feels good, better than she has in awhile.  "You taste like come you naughty girl," she says as she shifts into drive.  "Want to tell me about it?"

     Bria turns on the radio and reclines her seat back. "Maybe later."


The End!  The conclusion of this story will affect the opening of chapter seven of the comic.  Thanks to Guy's actions, Casey and Bria are closer now. Bria is no longer reluctant to kiss Casey and they will be more comfortable being affectionate with each other.  My thanks to everyone who read along and the pin ups will be back next Monday! :D




I knew this decision wouldn't end well for Guy. No one listened to me though.


Ah but as I meant to imply earlier, just because Guy is out of luck doesn't mean it's a "wrong choice" ending. After all if you're a Switch fan, (and anyone here most likely is) seeing Casey and Bria's relationship advance is hardly a bad thing.

Michael Wright

I can't wait to see the two of them have sex!


Casey should've walked in as 'drew' tries to stumble out, bumps into casey and drew looks up and casey gets crazy mad and decks him hard, then grabs 'guy's dick and tries to yank it out by its roots. Casey: "touch my girl will you bitch? after when i'm finished with you you'll have to put your tiny dick in a cast" ROAR!!


Lol well you just described exactly why these guys are so terrified of Casey. According to her reputation that's exactly the type of thing she might really do.

Bob Fink

What an awesome ending to this story, I love how you had Bria put the jerk in his place and then had her lock lips with Casey without any warning taking Casey totally by surprise. So looking forward to where you take the comic next.


No longer reluctant to kiss casey is good although I wouldn't have gone for hiding the fact that there was someone else in the room. I'm honest like that.


I hear you, I'd have certainly been honest too if I was in this situation in real life. But when it comes to controlling a male avatar in a sex fantasy story, I wouldn't really care if he gets screwed over in the end by my choices lol.