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     As much as Guy would enjoy soaking her face and tits, the urge to blow inside her is simply too great to ignore.  He feels his cock tighten and his mind goes blank.  His thick come splashes out of her pussy, she screams in ecstasy as his orgasm sets off hers. 

    She clutches his legs and arches her chest as Guy instinctively thrusts up further inside her body. His semen continues to erupt out from her like a waterfall with no signs of stopping.  She meets him by thrusting her pelvis down harder on him, hitting him with loud wet slapping sounds as his hot come engulfs the space between them.

     Finally, Guy is spent at last. Bria sits atop him, her body shudders a little.  The entire couch cushion and some of the surrounding carpet is soaked with come. She looks down at him and gives him that sweet smile again.

     "Thank you," she says.

     "Thank you?" asks Guy. "You are one weird girl Bria."

      She laughs. "And why am I weird?"

      "Can I ask you a personal question?"

       She gives him a dubious look.  "You realize that your penis is inside me right Guy? Yes you can ask a personal question."

     Fair enough.  "How many men have you been with Bria?"

     She blushes. "Two. Three counting you."

    "Can I give you some advice?"


     "Don't seem so outwardly grateful right away.  It doesn't hurt to play aloof, make them work a little harder for you."

     Bria lifts herself up off of Guy.  As his cock slides out of her a stream of warm come drips out of her pussy. This couch is fucked.

     "You sound like my friend Casey," she says as she cuddles up on his chest.

     "Well Casey knows what he's talking about."

      "Casey is a girl.  She's always trying to get me to change my attitude, be more  like you said, aloof.  She thinks I should think more about myself and what I want. But...I'm not always sure I can trust her advice."

       "Why not?"

       "Well, when she wants something she's relentless, right? Not only that but she's smart and manipulative too. She can make you do exactly what she wants and make you think it was your idea.  And right now what she wants is to have sex with me."

        Guy doesn't have any idea what this chick with a boy's name looks like, but the thought of Bria with another woman makes his dick move a little.

         Bria goes on:  "And so sometimes when she says I should act a certain way, I wonder if she's really thinking of my best interests, or if it's all just part of some plan of hers you know?  What you said tonight about not spelling out my weaknesses, that's when it hit me that I've been doing that with her all along.  I've been spoon-feeding her everything she needs to make me a puppet if she wanted to."

      "Well," says Guy.  "I guess it just comes down to your instincts, deep down do you really think she'd make you do something you don't want to? Do you feel like she genuinely cares about yo-"

      Movement from the hallway. It's Drew, peaking around the corner with his phone. He gives Guy an enthusiastic but silent thumbs up and motions for him to keep going.

     "Is something wrong?" asks Bria.

      Guy finds himself in a delicate situation.  He thinks very carefully about what he's learned about her tonight and must come to a decision.




Whoever votes not to tell her is an asshole. Plus, if you've been paying attention to the story she likes being watched. Make the right choice people. TELL HER.


Well I don't think calling people assholes is really necessary. As I plan to do my best not to have Guy come off as too much of a jerk either way. What I wanted to do with this last vote was make sure the outcome isn't obvious when the vote is cast. In the votes I never include a choice that is simply "wrong" and leads to an undesirable outcome. The votes will decide on one of two endings and I'm looking forward to either of them.


Love the story line so far and the art is excellent...so much cum, just beautiful.


Thanks! The extreme ejaculations are a big part of Switch's visual style. I wanted to do my best to recreate that here. :)


Awesome story :) p.s *slapping sounds* XD


Hey I'm not going to claim to be an expert to this kind of writing lol. Good news though, it's looking like the next Pick Up story will be written by someone much more skilled at the written word than myself. :D


This is probably my favorite kind of pose in porn- the best view of the girl, ESPECIALLY in a style like yours. Bria is my Goddess, and this is the church!