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EDIT: The next time you notice me forgetting Royce and Sylvia's rings, I want you to hit me, just bust me a good one.

I'm always thrilled and flattered to draw my characters as commissions.  But I have a hang up that prevents a good deal of these jobs from happening: I won't draw two of my characters having sex in a commission if they haven't had sex in the story yet.  I want people to keep reading Switch if they want to see certain characters hook up.  So I've politely declined quite a few requests for Casey and Sylvia pics.  But this one works fine for me because they aren't actually having sex here. High fives for loopholes! :D

Like many of my Switch commissions, this is in continuity with the story.  This pic features the first time Casey and her mom crossed over into being outright sexual with each other.  This takes place just before Chapter 2. Royce was out of the house and Sylvia was helping Casey pick out a swimsuit for her upcoming beach trip with Bria.  One thing led to another and soon they were kissing and fondling. Naturally Casey pushed things too far and ended up getting her ass swatted.  But it was here that she gained the confidence to make such a bold advance in Chapter 4.



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