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This will be a two-part canonical story that concludes next week, and it takes place during the current chapter (chapter 6 as of this writing) of the main comic! The idea of Casey gift-wrapping women to send over to Royce is one that I've had interest in for awhile, but I've just never been able to make room for it in the comic itself. Anyhow if this goes over well expect to see more TRW girls on Royce's doorstep in the future. 

PS: Her top popping open isn't a canonical image. I just couldn't bring myself to do a Monday pin up that featured zero nudity, so I made an alt version. 

Royce stared numbly at his monitor, the sheer whiteness of the empty document making his eyes burn. He had writer's block in a bad way, and his aching back wasn't helping. He got up from his desk and stretched, an attempt to ease his muscles that did not work. This was a side effect of being in a relationship with a teenage nymphomaniac, he supposed. On the nights where Casey slept over, it was becoming increasingly common for Royce to wake up feeling like he'd been hit by a little blonde bus the next day. 

Speak of the devil, he thought, as his phone buzzed with a text from Casey. The message said she was sending someone over for him. 

Royce winced. Not this again. Casey was still unsatisfied by Royce's lack of interest in pursuing sex with other women outside of their relationship, and so for weeks now, she had been trying to persuade him to let her "send over" one of her classmates for him in the middle of the day. He'd made it very clear on several occasions that he didn't want any high school seniors showing up on his front step for a variety of reasons, but Casey had a way of conveniently forgetting his opposing viewpoints when it suited her to do so. 

He started to text his annoyance when she messaged again. Apparently this person she was sending was a medical professional? Someone who could help him with his back? 

Royce paced a little in his tiny apartment, confused. It was a thoughtful gesture, sure, but Casey arranged a medical professional to make a house call? No appointment needed? Since when did Casey have those kinds of connections?

He was thinking so hard that the ring of his doorbell startled him. As he opened the door his mind was still swimming with questions, but when he saw what was waiting for him on his front step, every question disappeared in an instant except for one:

How did Casey afford a prostitute that was this attractive?

to be continued! 




Oh, how intriguing. I am going to admit, I find some of the hangups of the TRW cast intriguing. Bria feeling bad about cheating on Warren and therefore trying to set him up feels on some level a little like what Casey is doing. It's not just that Casey is turned on by Royce fucking other women. I suspect maybe she feels a little guilty that she is still so promiscuous, and therefore wants to make sure Royce gets plenty of his own. Which explains why she finds it so frustrating when he doesn't take the bait. That's my interpretation, anyway.


Casey seems like one hell of a wing woman.


Oh my. Can't wait to see how this pans out. I'd worry about what she has in that needle though. BTW, now that you've told us about all this. Question for Casey. Who does she plan on hooking Royce up with next?


Definitely appreciate the alternate pic 👍

Phil Token

Royce is gonna be in for one good roller coaster ride with the nurse good looking out by Casey. If Royce doesn’t like to do it with any of Casey classmates besides Bria would she send any milfs his way

alex baker

love the tit jiggle

Bob Fink

I have to admit Casey has amazing taste in women! XD

Yuu Yi

I wonder how she ever got to Royce's place if she stopped to tend to everyone she gave whiplash to.


The busty nurse is the first in Royce's series, I like it and the idea of Casey just randomly sending women to his place. Nice start to this side story. I like having a near nude alt version of an image. So the first can be lewd and sexy with the nude being a second image.


Love this concept! Gonna lead to some fun pairings down the line. For some reason, I feel the follow up pages for these would do well with a montage, but still really looking forward to page 2 either way!

Squid Hills

Anytime the nurse gets involved, all I can hear is the robot from Lost in Space going, "Danger! Danger Will Robinson!"

Chris Davis

Helloooooo Nurse!!! Man, I can't get enough of this idea! Thank you, thank you, thank You!!


Montages would be hard for me to pull off for a pin up honestly, they take a lot more time to get right for me. But I do work them into the comic itself whenever I can.


I just had another thought, as well. The expression on her face in the second panel... it implies she is staring at his crotch. The way that button goes flying, I cant help but think she inhaled sharply at seeing that D, and that's what busted her top open. (Yes I know it's not canon, but the idea amuses me.)


I have minor, tiny, trivial request: can you please give the images more meaningful names than "1" and "2"? Thanks!


I didn't even know the names were visible to you guys! XD I name them purely for ease of saving on my end. But I'll keep your question in mind when saving alts from now on.

frank barry

Whatever happened to the teacher from the panel, "You're both late because of 'an epic challenge?!'"

frank barry

I always thought she might accidentally get a paper cut and need to go see the nurse, who will, of course, need her to change into a gown and do a thorough examination, before treating the paper cut; leading to her "accidentally" getting more paper cuts. Just a thought ;)