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Well this is my third drawing in the new painted style and I feel like I'm getting the hang of it more as I go.  Anyhow  I'm sure you recognize Millenia here from my previous work, but this is my first commission featuring her saintly counterpart Elena. If you're a fan of their game, Grandia 2, you may remember Elena's breasts being quite a bit smaller than this. I stand by my revision and I regret nothing! XD



Bob Fink

You sure are getting the hang of it, this is awesome!! Very well done.


Thanks! Been watching a lot of tutorials lately to speed things along.


Holy. Fucking. Shit. @_@ This new Style is awesome!!!


Those breasts look awesome, the blonde chick came out really great. Think we could have made it without the cum though.


Glad you like it! As for the come that's one area you and I have always differed on. When it comes to erotic art I like the women to be covered in come whenever possible. especially if it's what the client asks for.


I havent seen anything on this game in ages! Looks great! Should show off the red head more! haha


Glad you like it! I'm quite sure there is more of her on the way. :)


One day I'll have to commission something that takes advantage of your talent with, um, splatter. Alas, I don't think it would pass Amazon filters. :|


When will they lift those stringent splatter bans lol. Either way I'll be looking forward to working for you again. :)