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      Guy decides it would be fun to call her bluff.  He pours two glasses of scotch, adds a couple of ice cubes in hers out of mercy, and brings them back into the living room.

      "Your drink, madame," says Guy. "I trust this isn't too strong for you."

      Bria meets his eyes evenly as she takes the glass. She looks so confident that Guy starts to wonder if the joke is on him. Maybe she can handle herself after all. He watches intently as she raises the drink to those shining red lips of hers.

     One would think by her reaction that Guy had given her a glass of flaming gasoline. She coughs and sputters and Guy wonders how much of the whiskey she actually swallowed versus how much ended up sprayed on his sleeve.

      "There," she gasps at last. "Told you I could handle it."

      Guy can't help but laugh and Bria laughs too.  Within moments she seems to transform before his eyes. She kicks off her shoes and swivels to face him, leaning against the arm of the couch with her bare feet pushing playfully at his legs. The timid girl from just a few minutes ago has almost immediately vanished.

     "So what kinda name is Guy huh?" She  already has the giggly, dreamy-eyed manner of someone who has had a lot more than one sip of whiskey. Bria here may be the biggest lightweight Guy has ever encountered.  All well and good, but Guy knows he needs to get that drink away from her as soon as possible. In his experience, women tend to seem a lot less sexy when they throw up on you.

      "Got me," he says. "I was just born generic I guess."

      "Ooohh don't say that!" Bria slaps chidingly at his shoulder and takes another drink, quite effortlessly compared to before. "I'm sure you have standout qualities Guy! Quick, name one thing you're good at right now!"

       "I'm a pretty good listener I suppose. What did you mean when you said you were going through a rough time right now?"

       Her bubbly attitude evaporates.  And Guy can't help but feel like he just made a big mistake.  He felt it was a decent gamble, asking her.  He's found that most of the time women enjoy a chance to vent their problems, but that may not have been the case this time.

     "Um... thanks for asking," she says. "But it's not something I'm ready to talk about."

      "I understand," says Guy.  "Sorry I brought it up. So how long have you-"

      "Do you think a woman is a bad person or a whore because she enjoys sex Guy?"

       Guy produces the best response he can muster:


        "That's what I was taught," says Bria. She scowls into her glass and takes another drink. "I was taught that sex was something that women were supposed to give up grudgingly, and only to men who had truly earned it."

       "So when I got together with my first real boyfriend it was like...I didn't know how to act around him. I wanted him as badly as he wanted me, but I felt like I had to put on this show, like I didn't want it and he had to earn it.  But he... he misunderstood, I think. He took my little charade as genuine disinterest."

       "Sometimes I just wanted to shake him by the shoulders you know? I was just so frustrated. I wanted him so much but I wanted him to just take me. Just take me so I wouldn't have to feel like a whore for admitting I wanted it. It was like that for two years."

      She takes another drink and swallows hard. "Finally I was wound so tight I felt like I just couldn't handle it anymore. You know what it's like, Guy? To love someone and yet be so frustrated you just want to choke them?...So one day my best friend took me to the beach, and I met a boy who did what Warren wouldn't. He ignored my fake resistance and and just took me the way I wanted to be taken. And it was the most exhilarating experience of my life."

    She winces visibly now, apparently steeling herself for Guy's judgement. When it doesn't come she continues.

     "After that I didn't care about pretenses anymore. I just wanted to feel like that again, with Warren, with anyone."

      Her eyes look sad now, and as she goes to down the rest of her drink Guy deftly swipes the glass from her hands.

      "Hey I finished my drink, can I have yours?"

       "What? No I want it! Gimme that!"

       Bria throws herself towards Guy, attempting to take the glass back but his arms are just too long, and after a moment what's left  of the drink is spilled on the couch. Guy finds himself close to Bria, close enough to feel her breath on his face.

      If possible, she's even more beautiful up close. She looks at him with shining brown eyes, and for the first time in a long while Guy finds his heart pounding out of sheer excitement.

     Not wanting to miss the moment, Guy takes her face in his hands and kisses her.




I said, F it, and I went with the putting your hand up her dress even though I thought everyone was gonna choose to fondle her breasts... and to my surprise, everyone chose the dress option as well :P At the time that I made my choise, there was 0 going for fondle breasts lol


I can't pretend I have any idea how these votes will go when I make them. I've been surprised too many times to count lol.


Bria looks great in this picture


Thanks! I tried out a new painting style on her face. Glad it's going over well. :)

Bob Fink

Another awesome segment on the Bria saga, she's so hot and it's nice to see her have a story of her own.


Glad you think so! I'm having fun exploring her personality. :)


The story is intriguing and exciting, although i thought bria did what she did because of part peer pressure and part caseys bad influence? :P Although i admit it would be hot for a spinoff comic of bria down the track and maybe even a indepth detail of bria cheating :) P.s guys bold, wont he get introuble? xD


He very well may! As for your observations you're right. Though the peer pressure and the bad influence were more like what pushed her over the edge. She had other issues that were the root cause of her wanting to stray.


Id still totally marry a girl like bria, even for her flaws :P


Nice to hear she can still be sympathetic to readers, even if she is a cheater. :)


Well i do hate infidelity like most, infact its one of the things that bothers me about how idiotic humans behave. Yet fantasy wise i think its hot for some reason. I think my minds just messed up :)


Hey I'm totally with you there. There's a lot of fantasy stuff I think is hot that I would find very unsexy in real life.