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Hey everyone just a little introduction here before the story starts. I've been wanting to do a new Pick Up story for awhile, but I just couldn't decide on another character to base one on after Samus. Then the obvious dawned on me: I have several characters of my own for crying out loud!

And so Pick Up hero Guy returns, and this time he's landed in the world of Switch.  This story is in full continuity with the comic, meant to show what Bria is up to during chapter six. I hope you guys can forgive my no doubt many grammatical errors and enjoy this chance to learn more about her!

     Guy slowly opens his eyes. He's a bit disoriented at first, he's in a dark bedroom he doesn't immediately recognize. The heavy silence hanging in the air tells him that it's either very late or very early. He's got the bed to himself and he's covered with a couple of heavy misshapen blankets.

       He sits up, his head aches slightly at the motion. The odd blankets reveal themselves to be coats and he remembers where he is; Drew's party, or what's left of it anyway. Judging by the quiet Guy guesses the festivities have ended. With a little digging he retrieves his own jacket from the pile and steps into the hall. The odds of anyone being up and sober enough to give him a ride home are slim at best, but he may as well look.

     The party had ended alright, and by the looks of the discarded plastic cups and empty bottles littering every flat surface in the hall, it had been a good one. A clock on the wall says it's a little after two in the morning, a bit early for the house to be deserted. Where had everyone gone?

     There's a light on in the living room up ahead and Guy catches a flicker of movement.  As he makes his way there he sees  someone that stops him in his tracks.

     There's a stunning young woman sitting on the couch. Guy wouldn't call it exaggerating to say she looks like a teenage glamour model, dolled up in a black dress.  She looks to be alone, and there's something off about her body language.

     She seems jittery.  She keeps fidgeting and checking her phone, her big brown eyes darting around nervously. Guy is considering how to keep from startling her when his foot catches on a discarded bottle. With a trip and a loud involuntary expletive he stumbles into the living room.

     She screams, she screams just bloody murder. It's a good thing this house is in the middle of nowhere, because it's the type of scream that would incline you to call the police if you heard it from next door.

    Guy picks himself up and raises his hands, talking fast: "I'm sorry I'm so sorry! I'm Guy I'm a friend of Drew's brother I passed out early and just woke up!"

    She's taking ragged breaths, her frankly enormous chest is heaving admirably. She has a look in her eyes like a cornered animal.  However after a few moments it becomes clear that Guy is not,  in fact,  going to try and kill her. Her body shudders and she covers her face with her hands.

     "I'm the one who's sorry," she says. "I shouldn't have freaked out like that."

     "Is everything okay? You seem really on edge there."

      She puts her hands down and reveals an embarrassed expression. "Everything's fine, I...I have something called monophobia."

     Guy has never heard of such a malady. He thinks for a second on how to best not look like an idiot here.

     "So," he says. "Does that mean....you're only afraid of one thing? Or...?"

     She looks at him for a moment and then breaks into a little laugh. "No," she says. "It means I'm afraid of being alone. This big empty house was really getting to me. I'm Bria by the way."

      So much for not looking like an idiot. But at least that seemed to relax her a little. He sits down on the couch, a healthy distance away from her.

       "Well Bria care to fill me on why this place is empty and how you ended up here alone?"

      Then she says a lot at once:

      "Well I came here with a group of girls because I'm going through a hard time right now and they said I needed a night out to feel better but then it was a set up they wanted me to meet this guy Jason they'd picked out and then they ditched me with him and then half the party left to go down to the lake and I was here with Jason but he turned out to be a real jerk but by the time I figured that out everyone else was gone and he just left me without a ride and my phone doesn't get reception out here!"

     Guy blinks a moment before answering: "Can I get you something to drink?"

     "A drink?" The abrupt proposal  surprises her.

     "Yeah, I forgot my phone and I don't have a ride either. As long as we're stranded we may as well make the most of it. This isn't me making some clumsy pass at you I promise. I just think a drink would calm your nerves a little."

     She gives Guy a knowing smile. "Is that so? Calm my nerves huh?"

     "Oh yeah," says Guy as he gets up and heads for the kitchen. "Any preferences?"

     "Umm do they have any of that hard cider left?"

     "Ha! Should have guessed you couldn't handle real booze." Guy said it playfully, but her frowning face says he touched on a soft spot.

      "I can handle it!" She declares. "You bring me whatever they've got and I'll try it!"

       Guy raises his hands submissively  once more as he steps into the kitchen. A choice weighs over him.

     Should he bring her a stiff glass of whiskey or the hard cider?




So if Guy is now a real character in the Switch universe does that mean Samus is too?


More like that there's a version of Guy in the Switch universe. Though a Casey/Samus pairing would be rad.


I'm liking where this is going!

Bob Fink

Awesome render of Bria and it's nice to see her back in the picture so to speak ;-)


Beautiful picture of Bria, I love it. Now let's get her drunk!


Stiff whiskey


Thanks! I'm looking forward to fleshing her out here. Obviously there's a lot more room for dialog in this format.


Lol I should have known that getting her REALLY drunk would be the majority opinion. This'll be fun, there may not be a chance to show her really intoxicated in the comic. :)

Bob Fink

Very true, it allows for a more in depth conversation. It's nice to know Bria's vulnerability as well ;-)


of course, you tend to do stupid things and forget things when drunk or hungover (like Bria taking it raw and forgetting the plan B) as an example.


I say get the cider - it's no good if she ends up passing out. She's got that suppressed submissive streak, so we just need confidence, not alcohol, to get her going.


Well observed! From what we've seen of her so far in the comic, we as readers know Bria enjoys sex, especially with strangers, and wouldn't take a lot of persuading to do so. But for a guy who just met her, a stiff drink would probably seem like a good idea. I hope you stick with the story to see how it goes! :)


Where's the previous pick-up? Is it somewhere on Patreon or elsewhere? (It's a bit hard to navigate too far back on Patreon).


It's exclusively here at Patreon. Tell you what, tonight after I post today's Bria update I'll add a post with links to the original. :)