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EDIT: Had to take the Castlewood Ocelot off Parker's hat. (It was the wrong color for the school anyway.) The reason being that I noticed it formed a weird, eye-catching pattern in the panels where the insignia got bigger in a diagonal line on the page. Included the original if you want to see what I mean. 

Of all the exaggerated/surreal content I present in my work, I think the biggest fiction is that so many people manage to be friends with benefits successfully without anyone getting hurt. I'm not saying it never works in real life....wait. Yes I am. 

My quiet pain aside, I hope you guys like the page! I'm excited for a chance to focus on Parker again. Expect the hi-res PDF for the last chapter to hit the $5 tier this weekend. I swear I have the worst luck with JPEG to PDF converters. It seems like every time the end of a chapter rolls around I have to find a new one for whatever reason. But I'll figure it out. 

That's all for now. Hope you guys are having a good Thursday, and the next build of the game drops Saturday night! 




Your eye-drawing skills have become a supernatural superpower, I swear to god.


Successful friends with benefits are more unrealistic than supernatural alien demon entities confirmed :P

Jeremy Joanes

I like to believe that if there were to be any exclusive relationship that Issac and Parker actually make a good pair. Even in the game it seems to be that they have nice chemistry (and no thats not because of my own personal bias lol)


I don't think she'd have to ask me twice.


Any kind of complex set of relationships can be fraught, and when you add sex to the equation... but yeah. Fantasy makes it easier to smooth out lines, by removing jealousy. (For the most part.)

Jariah Synn

I think I speak for all of when I say we should talk about this. 😸

alex baker

love a little titty teasing


Just like in da gaem


First rule of Bukake Club is you don't talk about Bukake Club.


i like the page, but parker doesnt really look like herself in the second to last panel imo (and its not cause of the disguise lol)


Parker is one of my favourite characters.

Bob Fink

That's a real easy question to answer for me, no more talking, lets get naked! ;D


Now that I'm caught up with the game, this is even hotter.


I love that she's come to accept that part of herself!


Does this mean the 'fulfill the fantasy' choice instead of the nice date is canon? I really like that scene... :(


Everything clicked on this page, from to the dialogue, to Parker's lustful eyes. The next few panels should be fun 🙂.


Are they a couple canonically in the comic?


I mean no man can say no to that...even a little. Also it does work sometimes but not always.

Nick Snow

i really need more game content!!! like a lot!!!!

Patrick Furlong

That was gonna be my question too. I agree, I like the two of them as a couple. Of course both can be true also :-) Mostly just curious if there is a "canon" for the different plot lines that have more than one outcome.

Patrick Furlong

Love the strips, and the game is extra awesome. Thanks so much for all of it.


A new build already?! Woohoo! Also, yay Parker. Love parker

Alex Barton

Only one problem with such a perfect set-up: we have to wait an entire week to see what happens next...! Loved Parker's sweet sexiness and flash of bare breast in the last panel...


My pleasure! Thanks for being here and helping me keep the lights on.


Oh yeah there are certainly exceptions, but in my personal experience it has never ended well.


Hey thanks! They're my favorite thing to draw, so I do my best to keep improving.


I think so too actually. That's part of why I chose to do this scene, to show that even after Isaac banged every girl in town during the game, he and Parker ended up especially close.


Hmm. Any particular reason? The only thing I can see is that I usually draw her from the opposite side if i can help it.


The ocelot looked a little off in the original panel 3, but otherwise it looked fine. I think you could have kept it, but it wasn't present in the last page, so no continuity issue at least!