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After making this page, I'm seriously considering a smaller text size for my comics in the near future. Nothing drastic, just thinking I'll go down from font size 11 to 10 sometime in the next couple pages and see if anyone notices. To be fair this is a dialog heavy page, but even so, I feel like the word bubbles are eating up way too much real estate here. 

Two pages left until the end of the chapter! If you have any guesses for what will happen next I'd love to hear them. :)



Miles Baughan

That's actually genuinely sweet and a good way to take things, very happy with this outcome.


On the font size issue, I don’t think it’s too small now, and certainly I wouldn’t be opposed to trying a slightly smaller size, I am already a bifocal reader, so I am a fan of easy readability.

Licorice Lain

Is that last panel hinting at a Abbey and twins threesome? That could be fun. ;]


That seems... hmm. I don't want to say suspicious. But it feels like something else is going on here. I want to believe Abby is fine. But. It makes me wonder if Abby has a special friend. Like Switch.


This is the wholesome lewd content I thrive on. Hope she doesn't try to...'remove' the girlfriend...


Awww whole some.


My heart is warmed, now shower sex!


I definitely think it's an act and she has further machinations to get what she wants lol


*heavy sigh of relief * I'm glad this is peaceful. Though I had an ex tell me something similar during a breakup once. Let's hope abbey is better about keeping her word and being mature.


Nah she crazy af... Doin' a good job hiding tho. I mean look at that smile in the final panel... SADISTIC!


Wow, now THAT is a surprising twist. I was right with Casey, expecting tears and/or a tantrum. Now I'm wondering if Abbey has truly changed, or the next panel will break my heart and have her be crying to herself, lol. PS she's soooooooooooooooooooo pretty in the middle panel. Those big puppy-dog eyes!

Malcolm Tent

See now I'm expecting next weeks page to be her hench girls like breaking into Casey's house to do recon for Abby while shes at the sleepover lol.


What?! Size 10 font! That's it, you just lost a patron. (Just to be clear that's a joke and I love your work)

Bob Fink

Something is seriously messed up here, Abbey hasn't matured that much, what the hell does she have planed for Casey? I love love love the titty squeeze in the second panel. :D


Does that mean Trish and Mary are also FWB? Anyway, I prefer the 11 over the 10, but it's w/e. It's harder to notice in a text-heavy page like this, but unless I click the image to enlarge it the text is slightly heavier to read.

Jariah Synn

*Serious cap on* Hm, Abbey took this better than I thought she would. I like where this is going though I admit I kinda wanted to see her go postal, but not that postal. Now I have to see how the twins handle this development. Casey should keep her bags packed just in case though. Old habits die hard -Some guy I guess


Humm, is it just me or is Casey getting thicker than she was earlier in the series? In fact I think Bria is thicker now also and Royce is the f-ing Hulk!!! And, is Casey just tall or is Abbey a damn Hobbit?!!


Nope. Not buying it. That's a damned trap.


I feel like this is exactly the right line in Abbey's character. It really reminds me of the philosophy of Vito Corleone from The Godfather. There's a recurring idea that Vito talks about in that book that resonates with what Abbey says here. He talks about how as an immigrant he needed security for himself and his family, and that security came from friendships. Bit by bit, giving favors and asking for favors, he built friendships until he was protected by a fortress of friendships. It's a totally reasonable rationalization for Abbey to make (or at least for her to say out loud, because we all know there's a difference between private and public thought). Awesome page!

Lord of Nightmares

I got this. Next page is Casey leaving the house and the one after is Abbey saying to her Hench-Girls. "Eliminate Her." followed by the Hench-Girls looking at each other and saying "Nope." and quitting their jobs.


Considering this is supposedly her first time I'm guessing they aren't

frank barry

Beautiful close up of Abbey

Will M

Hmmmmm. Yeah my bones are telling me something is off. You don't go from dreaming of marriage and beyond to an unsettling degree to "yeah friends is cool"


I agree that Abbey is taking this a bit too well. I don't expect it to happen, but it would be interesting if the next scene is Casey getting dressed, saying thanks and leaving. Abbey keeping it together until the door closes. Then Abbey starts to get angry, throw things, be super pissed, and then we see the letters like Switch appear behind her say something like "and you were doing so well..." last panel, cliffhanger, stay tuned for next chapter 😁


I don't think there's enough "Surprise Pikachu Faces" to cover my shock and disbelief at this moment. While I'm thinking "Good on you, Abbey!", I'm also waiting for the other massive, steel toe boot to drop...


I know you're a perfectionist and I'm writing this because I didn't hesitate to praise you multiple times in the past but IMHO something is off with Abbey's face in the last panel, both her eye(s) and mouth.

Unborn Roderick

Two points: 1) or Abby had a big, monstrous, pleistocenic increase of maturity (and with that we can suppose that the friendship between the Twins and the Ginger Hobbit is a lot more interesting that out vain philosophy can predict, and we can expect a big “party” between Abby, the Twins, Bria, Casey, and why not: Royce! Shit, I got a boner right now, sorry), maybe drived by influences like Switch...? 2) or all that she said is bullshit, and we’ll see an epic tantrum composed by cries, warcries, sadness and revenge. Omg, I’m chilling right now

Unborn Roderick

Oh, i forgot: beings like Switch has theis anatemas, right? Hmmm... maybe... nah, I prefer wait and see ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Alex Barton

Maybe it's my imagination but that is a *very* sinister expression on Abbey's face in the last panel... Maybe, like Doorknob22 wonders, it's just a trick of the light but somehow I don't think so...


Hey I always appreciate feedback on that kind of thing. I went in and reshaped her smile, and I do think it looks better now. But I didn't see anything fundamentally off about her eye.

Alex Barton

If you're saying it's a genuine smile then fine. But that isn't in character (Abbey is taking Casey's statement too well when she was hoping for so much more) so I'll just wait for the last two pages when you've taken the storyline in the way you want it to go and move away from this (very fraught) emotional situation and get back to some nice heavy sex. Abbey's emotional intensity is *really* intense...


Wow, I must say that is not what I was expecting. I'd love to think Abbey has grown to the point where she can handle this development, but I'm still a little suspicious. Don't rest too easy just yet, Casey...


This is a nice scene and I hope Abbey sticks to her words...but I can't get over how perfectly curvy Casey is. Mmm.


you could always use a bigger page and fit more panels in for more things happening, including dialogue, or you could occasionally do double pages?


abbey looks like such a rascal on the last panel with that dubious grin. also, just because i look at details probably a bit too much, she has rather big hands for such a small girl. bigger than casey's, perhaps?


Caseys face in the first panel looks to me a bit asymmetrical. Like her right cheek is a bit too large.


I don't really see it? Don't get me wrong I always appreciate critical feedback. But I opened it up and zoomed in there, and I couldn't find anything glaring enough to warrant repainting her face.


I love panel 2. :)

Squid Hills

I did not see this coming.


Thanks! I worried they were a little too big, but I think they're just on the cusp.


She does look thick in that second panel, but I think that's an unintended side effect of the top down view. And yeah abbey is meant to be super short. :)


Double pages might be nice to try, though then if I ever wanted to print these into physical copies that could complicate things big time.