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As usual I'm experimenting a bit here. The theme of what I'm trying to achieve visually with my artwork in 2016 is more of a "painted" look.  So here I've tried out a bit more of a realistic approach to drawing come. (Baby steps lol.) Let me know what you guys think of it if you would, I would love some feedback.

As for Juliette here, I really wish her game, Lollipop Chainsaw, had been a bigger commercial success.  Not that it terribly deserved to be, gameplay-wise it was kind of a train wreck. But I just thought it would have been refreshing if it had become a successful franchise starring a blatantly sexy female lead, as that sort of thing has become rare these days. (Bayonetta is the only one I can think of off hand.) Even the pioneer of sexy female characters, Lara Croft, is now sexy in a much more subtle way in the modern games. And I feel like if Chainsaw had done well it may have paved the way for more games like it. But hey, you never know, sometimes flawed games that didn't sell well get reboot-sequels a few years later, like the upcoming Mirror's Edge 2.




Lollipop Chainsaw is basically pron already. Which I'm ok with :) I like the pic. The only real feedback I have is that the coloring seems to have some sort of grainy, gritty dirty texture. Not sure what causes that. In this pic, it's more noticeable in the backgrounds than on her skin, though.


I'm ok with porn games as well lol! As for the texture, it's the same one I've always used. Though I'm considering phasing it out and replacing it with something a bit more subtle. It may just happen to stand out more here because of my particular color selection.

Walter L.

Great picture and I kinda agree with you on the topic of games with overtly sexy female leads. OTOH, despite thinking Lara was sexy I never really got into the games until the reboot. Tomb Raider 2013 was simply a much better game and Lara became even more badass and tough, and a way better character, and all she lost was one or two cupsizes and a bit of naked skin. ;)


Awesome, I was hoping Juliette would end up in one of your weekly votes eventually. Glad we skipped that step.

Bob Fink

By Jov I think you've almost got it nailed. It's lacking a little depth is a couple of places but all in all it's looking a lot more realistic.


Great to hear, and yeah it will need more tweaking before the come looks right in this more realistic style, and I may go back and forth here and there. Especially since this style may look off when it's coming out in buckets in Switch.


Awesome! And you guys are always welcome to submit suggestions of any girls you'd like to see.


I've just started Rise of the Tomb Raider this last week. And while I miss the overt sexuality of the older incarnations of the character, I can see why they went the route they did. After all, looking back on the old PS1 games it seems pretty ridiculous that she'd be running around in khaki shorts on snowy mountain peaks.


I'm missing something, I don't see anything in this drawing that i haven't seen you do before, how is this more realistic? the lighting?


Really great drawing overall. The come compared to your previous ones does look like an improvement. Yes so far atm, it seems like only Bayonetta is one of the only female leads in games that rocks the sex appeal. Maybe they might bring back BloodRayne one day. I have two suggestions for a weekly poll down the line. Anesthesia (babyface) and Sista A (Heel) from Rumble Roses XX


not bad :) since she's a teen still, would making her face less oval and more circular i.e push the chin up more might give her a more younger look? that and maybe experimenting on smaller but well developed boobs :) P.s I've played chainsaw lollipop, i wouldn't say its a great game but i wouldn't say its a train wreck either. Just a old school beat'em type of game cashing on sex, the jock boyfriend was kind of a boring stereotype character i could do without tho


Actually I should have been more clear, the come is all that's a little different than how I've been drawing it lately, I was attempting to make it look more realistic than normal but I did get the feedback I wanted after all: now I know the change wasn't noticeable lol.


Thanks for the feedback! And yeah maybe "train wreck" was too harsh. I just thought the combat was a little bland. And since that was 90% of the gameplay that really brought the score down for me. Sure got points for style though.


Sounds like a good one to me! I just played the original Rumble Roses for the first time a few weeks ago. Still haven't played XX yet but it will certainly end up in the collection someday.