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Hey gang, as you can see Switch is running a few hours late tonight. Fact is yesterday I started noticing some pains in my drawing hand. This has happened before and I've found that if I keep drawing anyway it only gets worse.  Anyhow point being I lost a day of work yesterday to heal up so I'm running a bit behind. I'll have the page ready before the night is through.

But in the meantime, meet Kim Chang! She's from a story called Detention for Kim by Drace Domino. If you happen to have a Hentai Foundry account you can read it here.




I hope your hand gets better, maybe submerge it in hot (not boiling) water, the heat will improve the circulation :) and/or maybe try a heat pack ^_^

Bob Fink

She's awesome very well done, hope the hand gets better and I'll have to check out the story behind this render.


Good advice! I'm better now but it wouldn't hurt to pick up a heat pack so I have it for next time.


Thanks, and I've read a little of the story and it's quite well written.