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So am I the last guy on the internet to watch Me!Me!Me!..? In case I'm not and you haven't seen it, it's an anime music video unlike any I've ever seen.  By that I mean it's not promoting a show or a montage of shows, it's more like a very hardcore public service announcement aimed at Japanese youth. Near as I can tell the message is about the destructive consequences of being a complete social shut-in who ignores the real world and fixates entirely on imaginary women to an unhealthy degree. Which as I understand it, is a huge problem in their country. 

But whether you find the message intriguing or not, it's quite an amazing 5 minutes to watch. I'll admit I haven't really kept up with a lot of modern anime in recent years, but I was blown away at how incredible hand drawn animation can still look. And visually it's a blend of extreme sexuality and extreme violence that makes it hard to forget. If you're interested you can check it out right here.




LOL, just saw that video yesterday. So I'm not QUITE the last. It was damn good.


You know as messed up as it was it really stuck with me. I did some digging around after I watched it and I heard some crazy statistic that like within the next ten years or something over half of Japan's population will be too old to work, all because the young people simply aren't having sex and procreating. It's pretty crazy to me. I mean, my entire job is fixating on imaginary characters. But I can't imagine losing interest in real women, especially on such a massive scale.


Brilliant picture! capture that character perfect if you ask me. I watched that video a while back, thought it was a advert for some new crazy anime or a music vid. Didn't realise it had such an in-depth meaning. Only in Japan huh XD.


hey thanks! I wanted her eyes to imply that something bad is about to happen next lol.