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White Queen beats out Psylocke for this week's exclusive pin up! Though it was a close one, which always makes me feel like I chose the candidates well. I have something specific in mind for next week's exclusive post, but the voting polls will be back next Monday.

I haven't kept up on the story line of the modern X-Men comics all that well I'm afraid. I buy one every now and then to see what I can learn from the art. I'm usually quite lost as to what the hell is going on, (last I looked Cyclops was a friggin' bad guy for crying out loud.) But every version I've ever seen of White Queen portrays her as stuck up and humorless, and this led me to an idea for an image where she was not happy at all about being came inside of so here we are. And this poor dope is about to get his mind flayed.

Meanwhile November was another awesome month here at Patreon! A lot of new supporters signed up this month and I'd like to take this chance to not only welcome them but say thanks as always to those of you who have been around awhile. The support is greatly appreciated and I hope to see my artwork keep improving because of it as we go along!




oh yeah, a diamond pussy got creampied :)

ConoSaurus Rex

Ha, that dudes dead. Bummer though, I voted for Psylocke.


Well one thing I've been rethinking here lately is whether or not I need to post a poll every single week. I'm thinking it'd be nice once or twice a month if I could slip in a surprise on a Monday. And that would be a good chance to work in some pics of girls who only lost by a vote or two.


I like the aggressiveness here and how she's taking control. :)


Well she sure didn't control the guy shooting off inside her lol.