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My thanks to Karl Moore for the question! 

There are a handful of students that aren't afraid of Abbey's retribution, (Casey, Liz, and Kristina to name a few.) But someone who will go out of their way to troll her is a rare thing indeed. XD

Since Abbey didn't get to really answer the question, allow me to fill in: Abbey admires Casey for how she appears to not care what anyone else thinks of her, something that Abbey herself struggles with.  Also Casey's tits are huge, and I've passed my big boob fetish on to Abbey. :D

Anyhow I hope you guys like the strip, and are having a good Monday. Please keep the questions coming if you have them, especially for Warren or Lydia. They're up next to join the party. 




are the mics supposed to look like walking penises or is that just me having a dirty mind?


I mean, Derek might be brave because, well, what's the worst thing the twins can do that doesn't happen to him while walking to school every day?


Cue next scene with the twins stuffing Derek in a locker 😂. Also, good to know Abbey has a type... quick question, and forgive me if it's been touched upon, but Abbey is completely into girls, correct? Not that I'm complaining... looking forward to seeing how her pursuit of Casey goes!

alex baker

I willing bet that if Abbey sicks the twins on him he is going to wind up in a twin sandwich

Bob Fink

Well we all knew Abbey has a boob fetish, but Derek isn't the brightest bulb to openly taunt her like that and not think he's going to get away un harmed.


I still think Derek can certainly hold his own in a fight. But I also think the twins would wind up banging him instead of beating him up. Also, question for Lydia, what's her relationship with Halver been like so far?

Lord Washington

Slowly becoming more afraid of abbey... still attracted to her but I wouldn’t trust her.


That's a paddlin.

Karl Moore

WOAH!!! no way!!

Karl Moore

Thank's Rein! : )


What happened to TRW Strips #023?


did you skip #023?

Squid Hills

If Abbey is a boob gal then she's spoiled for choice in your world! There's too many big boobs to choose from!


Well they are modeled off of real microphones, so the fact that they look like walking penises is just a happy coincidence. XD