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EDIT: I felt like Casey looked a bit like a pair of floating hands in panel two so I added some evidence of her body underneath him.

Just made it! And for once it wasn't the art that was most time consuming on this one, it was actually the dialogue. I must have changed what Casey said in that first panel a dozen times.

I wanted her to say something really crazy in that first panel. At first I had her aggressively daring him to come inside her and get her pregnant. But I decided that doesn't really fit with what I've presented so far. As the world of Switch is similar to every hentai show I've ever watched, in that the girls get ejaculated inside of all the time but no one ever seems to get pregnant. It didn't make sense to start calling attention to that now.

So instead I went for her saying something that was equal parts mushy and creepy. Which fits her well I believe.




The stuff dreams are made of... I actually knew a girl with the knack for dirty talk like that. She MIGHT have been as crazy as Casey, close call.


Time will tell, the story is just over half over after all. :)


I'm not sure what about it I like the most but I really like the last panel of this page. Something about her sexy little asshole and the dirty talk really works for me. Great job Reinbach.


Hey it's good to hear that last panel works. I was hesitant to have not one but two big panels with no faces in them, but I wanted to show he was really giving it to her here.