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So ever since Switch started being available for purchase on the Mikandi App Store, the individual chapters need covers. I already had a front cover, but I had to throw together covers for chapters 2-4 using existing Switch artwork I happened to already have. Not so this time, had to make something original.

I took a shot at the "painted" look that all the big shot artists seem to use, (a style that has always eluded my skill level ><) and I like how she turned out. At first I worried that it might be a bit of false advertising, as Casey certainly isn't painted like this in the actual comic. (Each panel would take days to make if she was.) But I figure anyone who's read up to the fifth chapter knows what the art looks like.....as well as what the name of the comic is because I could NOT seem to fit that title logo anywhere.

Oh and one last thing, regarding commissions. They've been closed for about a week now, and the plan was to keep them that way for a stretch. But the fact is the income that was supposed to take their place is unexpectedly taking its sweet time to happen. So I may open them up again for a while to keep food on the table, I'll be sure to post the news here first should that be the case.




Very nice one. Where are 2-4?


Well you've probably seen them all before. The covers are just slightly tweaked versions of art from my HF gallery. I'd add a link but it doesn't let me do that in comments here. You can do a web search of "Mikandi featured artists" that will take you to an article that shows all the covers at the bottom of the page.


Dude this is fucking astounding. I get that this took more time but it seriously paid off.


Hey thanks! expect to see the chapter 6 cover look this way as well. :)