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Remember how I said last week that there was only one more page in this chapter? You'd think by now I'd know to keep my trap shut about things like that. As it should have been obvious to me that this scene would need another page or two to play out properly. 

As I was drawing this page I realized there was a similar scenario with Casey and Bria back in Switch. I almost wonder if there should be an unwritten rule in the Switchverse: "If two women are talking on a couch, one of them will impulsively kiss the other before they get up." I guess I've got until the next heart-to-heart conversation in a living room the story calls for to decide. 

Anyhow I hope you guys like this page. I've personally been dying for a chance for Elianna to see some action, even if it was only a little. 




Her face is so red I love it!!! I want more of these two


The shock face of Eliannna its just perfect, so expresive! Just lovely


The last 2 panels are confusing me. Is Tenma talking twice in both panels? The wording is confusing me. It's like she answers her own question but it comes off weird.

Malcolm Tent

Elianna totally slipped her some tongue. Clearly this whole Derek thing is having an effect cant wait to see where it goes, if I hadnt already called the maid sleeping with Derek I'd feel alot more prescient predicting a Threesome there lol


So does that mean we have 1 more page of this scene to look forward to?


lol, even the cast prude is like "I've had a heart-to-heart with a girl with giant tits- MUST KISS ON THE LIPS!". Good old Reinverse :). Also funny how every time two women kiss, at one has to physically place their breasts upon the other because they're so chesty, lol.


Question. I know a lot of the women in the universe are bisexual but I’ve always been curious if any of the guys are as well and if we’ll see any of that? Total get if it’s not your thing though. Love the page

Bob Fink

I love this page and I like that it wasn't just a short peck but a full on sensual kiss, the only thing that would have made it better is if Elianna would have placed her hand on Tenma's large tit. ;D But the look on Elianna's face in the end is priceless.


Barished approve of more G/G. Was starting to wonder if Elianna had any of that, or hell any sexual attraction.

Walter L.

I mean, I wouldn't complain if girls always did that. ;)

Taylored Printers

This was honestly the best, I never thought I'd see Elianna do anything sensual let alone sexual in my lifetime. Makes it so much better when you see the tires screeching in her head.

Vylon Delta

Good! GOOD! Give into the dark side! 😈


You never realize how much you want something until you realize you don't have it.


Best girl persists. I'm glad to see her personality will always rubber-band back to what I like.


Blushing mode x 10 activate! Also, a girl-girl kiss is a nice segway to an Abbey / Casey heavy Chapter 6!

Yuu Yi

I love all of the expressions on the page, and I love how sudden and total Eli's blush and realization is, and Tenma's surprise but acceptance at the kiss. Keep up the amazing work, I can't wait to see how this all resolves!

Roy Crowned

Yay I hope so much they are gonna end up together now ahah yeah I change ship at each page... Now what? H1h1h

Jariah Synn

Boop the Maid! Boop the Maid! Boop the Maid! Sexually repressed feelings confirmed!

A Guy

I am all for girls kissing on couches. Or on any other pieces of furniture. Or girls kissing in general, really.

frank barry

It's perfectly fine with me if two women always end up kissing when on a couch together. It could literally happen on every page and I would OK with it; I mean love it! And how could anyone resist kissing Tenma? Elianna is discovery her sexuality and who she is as a person (an anime character obvis); it's perfectly normal.

Squid Hills

Oh I get it... she has a subconscious maid fetish. It's only natural. She's an anime fan, after all. She never would've gone full-frontal snogging on Tenma if it wasn't for the maid's outfit. Right? Right?


Hahaha i love this page, from the "anticipation" of the kiss in the first panel, to the extremely blushy Elliana from the last one, this is great *chef kiss* Really looking forward to where this is going haha


Aw, this was cute. I figure that Elliana is so happy to be receiving genuine positive emotional support and intimacy that she kind of forgot herself, had too many Feelings, and let them out.


Now make them do ass-2-ass


Entirely possible! ;)


I've tried having them squish more naturally, but they always look like giant pancakes lol.


I guess the answer is yes and maybe? Most of my guys would happily have sex with Kayden at least. As for seeing it in the comic, hard to say. I've been building an audience drawing girls for almost 6 years now. Throwing guy/guy content into the mix would likely put off a big chunk of my readers who aren't into that kind of thing. But never say never.


Definitely. The idea of this scene was to show that she has some cracks in her prude armor. :)


For sure. I'll do my best to keep her consistent in her personality. :)


Well the idea was that the look on Elianna's face answered Tenma's question for her. But I've tweaked the dialog slightly all the same in an effort to make that more clear.