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With Miguel and now Tenma, I feel like I'm getting some decent practice at writing characters who don't speak perfect English. I resisted the urge to write them with "cuh-razy aksenstz" and instead tried to work it in through subtle things like screwing up American idioms and using less contractions than one normally would. Hopefully it's coming across well enough.

Speaking of dialog, is it clear that Elianna is replying in panel two? I found myself in one of those nightmare scenarios where the character on the right simply had to speak first, and I didn't want an obnoxious word balloon  tail stretching all over the panel to reach Elianna. Let me know what you think if you would. 

Meanwhile this whole chapter is about to wrap next week. In an effort to keep the narrative more focused, I'm toying with the idea of having a "star" of every chapter. Meaning while I may check in on others as well, there's one character that I keep coming back to. Elianna was the star of this chapter, and I think it went pretty well. As of now my plan for the next chapter is to star Casey and Abbey.   :)



Matthew Cronin

It's gonna be some shit when she gets gang fucked

Lord of Nightmares

Panel 2 is fine, how you've positioned the word balloon is sort of the standard for doing that


Looks fine to me 🙂

Bob Fink

I agree the balloon is done perfectly. Now my question is just how badly does Tenma want to lean over and totally make out with Elianna? I know I sure do. ;D

Taylored Printers

I honestly love this bit, It's nice to see Elianna open up and actually communicating with someone instead of trying to keep people from cumming all over the ceiling fans at school. and makes me more and more excited to seeing should Elianna ever get in bed with someone.


Wow, I actually feel bad for Elianna here. Not sure what your next phase of her story will be, and I never thought I'd say this, but I hope it goes well. Maybe she'll finally get laid and figure out just how rediculous all of this sex hate has been...

Lord Washington

Okay, I see her side, except, really? The difference between being evil and good is liking anime or not?

Lord Washington

Also, the interesting thing about her conflict with Derek about anime is on one hand, Derek is being a judgemental ass about something he clearly hasn’t taken the time to familiarize himself with and towards the people who like it, but on the other, Elly is a spoiled brat who won’t leave other people’s opinions alone and deems people as evil because they don’t like something she likes. Neither side is in the right here.


Another sweet moment with Elianna- it seems like you're using her to get the most out of the emotion known as "FEELZ" (to use the scientific term). Now I'm wondering how someone as clever as Tenma ended up having to take a job like THIS, and how she likes various aspects of it, lol.


As weird as it sounds I'm hoping Elianna never has sex and she stays on her stop fucking at school train till I the credits roll. Because dangit I love watching her -try-.

Jariah Synn

Word balloon is fine where it is. Lots of artist do the same with it. When Elianna getting the Big Bone???

frank barry

The dialogue was clear to me. Marvel often will change the color of the bubble for specific characters or use Viking font for Asgardians. Elianna could have had anime uniform at the beginning and end of her text and Tenma could have had a main uniform, but what you did was fine. I've even seen the text bubble pointer go vertical then horizontal to indicate it was coming from a person off-page. Looking forward to Casey & Abbey <3 ;)

Roy Crowned

Nooo how dare you stop the corruption of this maiden into the true daughter of her perverted mother and father! Damn you you... Absolutely beautifully chested Japanese... Maid.....

Vylon Delta

Am I a bad person for wanting Eli to fall, and embrace the sexual depravity around her?