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Hurray for new characters! It will be awhile before Trish and Mary have larger roles in the story but it sure is fun to introduce them now. 

Anyhow thanks to recent events this page may be a Patreon exclusive unless I can figure something out by tomorrow. You see my work leads me to all kinds of unsavory websites, and I found out today that my antivirus program has not been defending me as well as I'd like. So at the moment my computer is so disease ridden it's unusable and I'm using my roommate's laptop to upload here. But they asked that I stay away from smut sites like Hentai Foundry while using this thing and I can't say I find that to be an unreasonable request considering what sites like that just did to my computer. One way or another I'll get this sorted out soon enough, though this is still something I'm getting used to as a self employed artist; the idea that having my computer/internet being down for even a day or so is a work emergency now. ><   




Well, that sucks. Though you could always also release this late to HR, as like a mid week bonus after the whole bonus chapter has been finished.


Well thankfully I managed to get things up and running again since the post, and I bought a more reliable antivirus program so hopefully my virus woes are over for now.

Bob Fink

Sorry to hear about your computer problems that really sucks. I do love this page and can't wait for these two to become more active ;)


Hey thanks Robert. And no worries I got my computer up and running more or less good as new. :)


I use Kaspersky, I love it.