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     Guy thinks it over for a second, and he decides that in a situation like this it's either go big or go home. If he plays this all polite and respectful he may not come across as masculine, and he gets the feeling that Samus Aran isn't into meek men.

      Of course, there's no way to be sure, for all he knows she wants a weak guy to dominate. So as the words come out of his mouth, there's a part of his brain that simply can't believe what he's saying:

     "So, do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?"

      She stares at him, curious and unblinking, like an onlooker watching a chimp at the zoo.

     Guy takes a step toward her, his hands open in a sign of mock surrender. "No? Well then maybe you can help me out with something else. You see there's something wrong with my phone. It doesn't have your number on it."

      She squints at him a little as he draws near.

      "Well how about this," Guy says as he comes up next to her at the bar. "Why don't we go back to my place and do some math? Add a bed, subtract our clothes, divide your legs, and multiply."

       She laughs loud and suddenly. She then immediately covers her mouth as though something escaped that shouldn't have.

       Guys smiles at his victory, however small it may be. "I'm Guy. I'd offer to buy you another drink but it seems like you were too much for that poor bartender."

      "Oh yeah and what about you?" Her voice is lilting and far more feminine than Guy expected. "Aren't you scared of me too Guy?"

      "Maybe a little. I mean, you'd have to be crazy not to be intimidated by someone nicknamed 'Destroyer of Worlds.'"

      Samus leans back and picks up what's left of her drink, her expression cannot be described as anything but pouty. Guy continues to marvel at how girly this legendary badass is in person.

      "You know I always felt 'Destroyer of Worlds' was ridiculous and inaccurate slander," she says.

      "Really?" asks Guy, feeling hopeful. "You mean you've never really destroyed a world?"

     Samus looks Guy dead in the eyes before she sips her drink, smiling slightly. "Oh no I have, but it was just one world."

     Guy forces a very fake laugh and thinks about, for no reason at all, what it might feel like to be frozen solid by an ice beam.

     Samus puts down her glass. "Alright," she says. "I've seen what I needed to see. What did you plan on doing with me tonight Guy?"

     In spite of his decision to handle this encounter with unwavering bravado, her bluntness takes Guy off guard.

      "Well, I don't mean to be too forward but-"

      "How's this for too forward Guy?" Samus takes his hand and brings it up to her breast. It feels like there's no suit under his hands at all. He can feel her nipple and the warmth of her skin perfectly. He squeezes hard once, and then again, she lets out a little gasp.

       Samus pulls herself close to Guy, so close he can feel her breath. "My work is very taxing on me Guy," she whispers. "I'm here because there are times when I simply need a physical release."

      She steps back, out of Guy's reach. His hand falls to his side, feeling warm.

     "Now," she says. "I want you to take me out into that jungle and fuck me until I scream. Is that going to be a problem for you?"

      Guy weighs his options carefully. Under the circumstances, the jungle might be a problem. The jungles of Titan are not a friendly place. There are automated turrets, electrified floors, and God knows what else.  If she wants sex this badly, Guy feels more inclined to just bend her over the bar right here and now.

     If they stay in the bar they could get caught. The bartender could come back or another late-night patron could wander in. Guy doesn't like the idea of having this once in a lifetime opportunity ruined by someone walking in on them. But it's certainly safer than heading out into the deadly jungle.

     But the jungle has it's perks. They could make noise, maybe even do it twice. They would be a lot less likely to be interrupted out there, assuming they survived.

     What to do?



Bob Fink

This is so awesome so far, can't wait for the next page to see what he decides to do. I say be brave and take her into the jungle!


Hey thanks for following along Robert! This has been fun to write so far.


A beauty like that grabs your hand and lets you cup her breast just like that, too good to be true :P