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Thanks for waiting guys! Last week I asked the discord server who's popular on the hentai fan art scene lately, and had Maki Oze from an anime called Fire Force brought to my attention. I fell in love with her design pretty quick, as I've always had a strange attraction to women in witch hats. I have no idea why that is, so I'll just add it to the pile of topics I should bring up whenever I finally get around to seeing a psychiatrist someday.

Anyhow I tried to watch an episode of Fire Force before I started this pic, to maybe get a feel for what Maki here was like. I say "tried" because the episode kept freezing and buffering to the point where I gave up about fifteen minutes in. (Does Funimation suck as an app or is it just me? I never have these issues with Netflix or any of the other streaming services I use.) I did get to Maki, and she seemed pretty charming based off the first impression. But I'm on the fence about our hero. He has what's explained in the show as a weird facial tic that makes him smile like a psycho whenever he's tense, and considering his job as a firefighting pyromancer who battles spontaneously combusting demons, I get the feeling he's going to be tense a lot.  It seemed to me that the constant creepy smile would be a really distracting and obnoxious trait for a lead to have, but this show is super popular from what I've heard, so maybe he gets it under control in an episode or two for all I know. 

I wouldn't mind an outside opinion, so what do you guys think? Have you seen the show? Should I give it another try if I can get it to run properly? Let me know if you would, and either way I hope you guys like how this picture turned out, I was pretty happy with it. :)



Jeremy Joanes

Give it a try, it has great animation (and plenty of great female character designs lol) the main characters tic isn't a constant thing obviously it shows up but it's not like he's grinning every second of the show. He might be a little bland as far as MCs go (honestly he reminds me a lot of Edward Elric from FMA if you've ever seen it)


I tried reading the manga since it was made by the same guy who did Soul Eater, but got bored of it pretty quickly. But almost every anime has a terrible first episode, and then becomes amazing later on, so who knows.

Bob Fink

Not really into Anime but she's pretty damn hot!


At first glance I was like is that Elianna in a cosplay? And even though it’s not, I would be entirely ok with that :)


She does look a lot like her.


Yes. The Funimation app is crap. The main reason I stopped paying for their service.


I love Maki's character because she's a military vet who's just trying to adjust to civilian life, and like the other supporting cast of the show has to rely on buffing their bodies instead of solely relying on main character super anime powers.


Very nice! I love the contrast in skin colors! Her pale, Asian-esque skin tone goes well with that dark body wrapped in shadows.


Right on, maybe I'll give it a try on my laptop. Funimation seems to function better there than on my TV.


Same guy as Soul Eater? Boy that guy sure has a particular preference for shark-toothed male leads doesn't he. XD


I can totally see the resemblance. Maki's hair isn't quite as thick and the style is different than Elianna's, but you can't see any of that under the hat here. XD


Ugh, too bad they have the streaming rights to like 90% of my old favorite shows. I'm kinda stuck with them for now.


Right on, she did seem like a fun character from what little I saw.