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Before I go on, I should mention that it's my intent for it to totally be an adult version of the male trainer behind her there. If you could see his face, I'd have given him a scar, a beard, and a face tattoo just to be 100% clear on that. XD

Curious as to what the response will be on this one, as I don't draw thick/chubby women all that often. (As of this writing I only have two in my comic, and neither Jane or Millie have had much screen time so far.) 

Anyhow as you can imagine I'm drawing Pokemon fan art thanks to the recent release of Sword/Shield. It sounds like a pretty divisive game for a couple of reasons I've heard kicking around the internet, and some very vocal fans aren't happy with it. But that hasn't stopped it from selling millions of copies. 

Have you played the game? Or Pokemon in general? Would you recommend the game to someone who's never played the series at all, like myself? Do you want to see more chubby milfs around here? Let me know as always. :)




Honestly you need to do thicker girls more often. This looks great!


I’m all for some thicker ladies


I have the sudden urge to go get the new Pokemon, thanks a lot Rein!

alex baker

oh fuck yes this is the position i want t put raina in


More thick milfs yes!


Hot diggity fucking DAAAAAMMMMNNNNNNN- absolute perfection. I completely adore thick girls, and it’s been my desire for years to see more from you. The softness of their bodies, the width of their hips, and the womanly nature of them is so entrancing. So glad to see more of this from you, especially as she looks a lot bigger than Jane or Millie (who are kind of the “lower end” of curvy).


I think you draw chubby girls quite well. This still feels very much in your style but also distinct from how many of your other characters look in a very good way. You could do with more thick/chubby women just for the variety alone. Not that the ladies you already have are boring or anything. Just that more variety is always good and since you draw thick/chubby ladies well it's entirely worth pursuing in my humble opinion.


Do I recommend the game to someone who never played Pokémon? Yes. Do I want more thick/chubby women here? Definitely.


Fantastic picture! Definitely would love to see more thick/chubby ladies. And yeah gotta include Raina along with Jane and Millie for sure. I wonder what Jane's mom might look like XD.


I've heard the game is a good intro one to play and just genuine fun all around. LOVE THE PIC! Would love to see more of this body type!

Chris Davis

I like how the "Carpet Matches the Drapes" :) I think she looks great!! Love them boobies!!


I like most of the games, but i'm not that kind of player who plays for 78098 hours and catches pokemon having in mind the IV and stuff. I like those games for the story and it's characters. I want to play SW/SH, but right now i'm hooked on Death Stranding and Jefi Fallen Order, so, maybe i'll play this Pokemon in a couple of months. As for the characters, to be honest, this one i didn't like that much hahaha i'm more a Nessa/Bea fan, but as always, your art is stunning.


Really like what you've done with Melony here, I think her breasts are just a bit too big but I know how you like drawing that, the detail of the groping of them is very well done though. As for the game, as someone whos played Pokemon since the very beginning, its criticisms are well deserved, what people are calling Game Freak out on is 100% valid. They lied to us through and through. Despite this, I wanted to buy the game and play it for myself as I was still very excited. Annoyed but not completely down to abandon a series I've loved so dearly. The game as a whole is mostly a wonderful place to explore and has all the charm a Pokemon game should have, with some bumps in the road of "Why is this tree from the N64 era?" and things like that. But the new Pokemon are great, its very friendly to new players but you arent stuck in tutorial/story hell like Sun and Moon, the characters are actually interested (unlike Sun and Moon) and the region of Galar is very BRITISH M888888. If I had to put a number to it I'd say its 6.5 out of 10, maybe a 7. And that's purely down to the lies and the Dex being sliced in half, along with a few other things that bothered me. But the pretty colours, Pokemon designs, neat music and theme earns 6 points at least, the Pokemon Champion was a lot tougher than I thought he'd be, so that was awesome. The drawing is great, more thicc women plz. Sorry if I rambled. XD


Malony looks great in your style, all thicc and plump with super huge boobs. :3 I got Pokemon Shield mainly because a friend got Pokemon Sword. I've enjoyed the game so far, even though I've heard all the negative stuff about it before hand. I'd still recommend the game as it's still fun to play. Yes more chubby milfs please.


I’m usually not into bigger women but I must admit you make them look good. That said I still prefer your usual body types


Lub the Chub :)

Squid Hills

I think she's sexy as fuck.

A Guy

Woo! Draw more big tiddy MILF types!


I guess she is now that you mention it! :)


Hey right on man, looks as though the reaction is largely positive here, so expect to see more in the future.


Thank you! And yeah from the sounds of things I could draw nothing but Pokemon waifus for weeks and never run out lol.


Hey I'm the last one who should ever have to accept an apology from someone else for rambling about video games lol.


Keep the thicc moms coming!


More chub please and thanks.!

Jariah Synn

Ice Milf best Milf