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Another chapter, another round of revealing more of Casey's issues. I'm a little obsessed with how her hair looks in the last panel, definitely going to keep drawing it that way. I've never drawn anyone taking a shower before, making the next page is going to be interesting. ><




Those tits from panel 3 hypnotize me... mmmm. Maybe the hair should look more straight and "flat", like stuck to her head and neck to give the impression that it's wet. Right now, it looks too "full", as if it was dry. It also looks more disheveled than wet. I guess I would say to try to make the hair stick to the outline of her frame (head, neck) Just suggesting, i still love your tits- err *cough* work no matter what ;)


Well in this case she hasn't actually stepped into the shower yet. I'm aware it's a bit confusing since she turns it on and steps back but the fact is I really needed some kind of action for her to be doing in panel 3. (In this case taking her shirt off.) Because a girl standing around talking to herself can be pretty visually uninteresting if you're not careful.


Wow, i don't know why i though she was finishing showering. I wasn't thinking straight, maybe because i haven't had much sleep this past few days or maybe it's those tits affecting me. For some reason I got it in my head that her hair was supposed to be wet and wasn't thinking about anything else. Weird how I managed to ignore everything that was happening. lol


Aw, poor sexual sociopath. She needs a hug. Or a good fuck.


Lol no prob. She'll be showering in the next page so we'll see how I manage the wet look.