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Parker Olsen, (named after jailbait-looking pornstar Bree Olsen,) was, like many initial TRW characters, conceived to check a box. I needed a petite body type for visual diversity in my cast, and if you know anything about me and the body types I prefer, you probably have an idea of how reluctant I was to implement her at first. 

But I can easily say she's greatly endeared herself to me in the time since. Many of the women in my first comic were frankly envisioned by the idea of "what kind of girl would I really want to have sex with?" (And in the process I unwittingly divulged my obsession with huge-tittied unfaithful crazy bitches for all the internet to see.) But with Parker and some of the others when I started writing TRW, I went into them with the mentality of "what kind of girl would I want to be around for more than five minutes when my dick wasn't in her?" 

So what's next for Parker in the story? Well it should come as no surprise to long time followers that a lot of my original ideas for her have since been scrapped and rewritten as the comic and the game progressed. I have a few ideas for her that I like, and they all have one thing in common: she needs someone to have a crush on. 

But what do you think? Anything not yet committed to the page isn't set in stone. What kinds of sex scenes or story arcs would you like to see Parker go through? Feel free to share, I've gotten good ideas from the comment section around here plenty of times in the past and I'm always happy to read your input. 




Parker with a crush would be fucking adorable

Bob Fink

I think she should have a crush on the main male character who when I play the game is Bob. She seems to get along with him for the most part. I really love the Parker character, she's the girl next door type with a unique reaction to cum. :D


Parker seems like the kind of person who would become hella awkward when she is around her crush. Like I can see her becoming super shy and bad at decision making around them

Jeremy Joanes

Definitely a crush would be adorable. Also her coming to terms with her "problem" and embracing it


I adore Parker mostly because of her reaction to cum and just how hard she seems to squirt.


You almost got that right... everything except the name of the main male character ;-)


Parker is my favourite character in TRW, closely followed by Casey; I think her having a crush is just awesome, as long as it's on me! :-) (Yes, I know she isn't real, but we can dream about what ifs)


Is her dream of getting bukkaked still a thing or is that something you've scrapped?


I think having her crush on someone would be adorable. As natural as sex comes to her with friends or strangers, I love the Idea of her choking up, or taking bad advice from Jane (then choking up) when dealing with a guy she's genuinely attracted to. I'd also love to see who her crush turns out to be. There aren't too many memorable male characters in the TRW world, so a new introduction wouldn't be unwarranted.

Jim D

I don't see her as the aggressive type. I see all of her situations as being something that she is talked into. I think it would be interesting if she is constantly getting it on with her crush. That somehow every "new" adventure she has is with him. This would only serve to reinforce her affections for him. I'll leave it up to you to decide if her crush reciprocates her affections.

Chris Davis

I think she should have a Crush on the Principal! He seems like a big, cuddly teddy bear! Though I suspect he wouldn't have sex with a student, you never know!


The principal is sleeping with some of the students. Jane already revealed that she fucks him.


Hey thanks for sharing! It's always nice to hear a reader's perspective, it tend to shape my ideas in ways I can't predict. :)


He does have sex with students but I can't blame you for not knowing, so far it's only been revealed in the game, and it's missable. Interesting combo though! He'd have to be careful with her lol, his dick probably as long as her torso. XD


Still wouldn't mind seeing her with the wife of the guy she was babysitting for, maybe a wee fling there and she falls for the mum instead? Possible? Please!


I actually have kicked around the idea for another babysitting scene, with Parker working for a milf this time. I'm just stuck on how exactly it would all go to hell in a way that tops the last time.

Squid Hills

Parker/Kayden would be so adorkable the internet would implode. But he has eyes for another girl, so it wouldn't work out.