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As I've said in the past, I prefer to keep the tone light in this comic. I think this scene will be the first time we see a TRW character genuinely pissed off at someone so far. It's strange but sometimes I find myself instinctively veering around serious arguments in this comic mainly because of the once a week update schedule. I guess I don't like the idea that I might have a page that's nothing but harsh insults, and have that be all there is to see for a whole week. I want TRW to be fun above all else, and leaving on a negative note rarely feels right to me. 

On the other hand, being able to write some drama every now and then can be a valuable tool in the belt. And I won't improve if I don't practice. I'll do my best on these next couple pages, hope you find them compelling! 



alex baker

oh yes i love the internal shot very nice, of course i would love to see the guy get harder as she yells at him i know i would


Somewhere in the back of my mind, I actually saw this happening lol. That look in Lydia's eye in that last panel is simply the purest form of death. RIP sir, we barely knew ye...


I don't think he's going to live for very much longer based on the look in her eye! :-O Or at the very least he'll be hobbling out of their missing one of his balls!


Someone's about to have a black eye.

Bob Fink

Can you say totally pissed, I do believe she said pull out. I hope he doesn’t mind singing soprano. ;D


Oh snap. I'd be worried but after Holly's question from Parker a week or two ago, I'm sure Lydia's upcoming rage will probably be overreacting. Still, it might be interesting to see her go off.


God DAMN- I simply MUST point out how beautiful Lydia's breasts look in this update. As I've said with Morgan, I adore this "perky/still substantial" tier of breast, and it's great to see it on another character. Judging by the hearts and the word balloon as it tumbles down the page, Lydia's cry of pleasure from being creampied swiftly becomes rage at not being listened to :)


I'm fine with the comic having some drama. If a page has to leave off on a negative note I'm sure most readers will understand that it's only temporary.

Lord of Nightmares

There is an easy solution to your problem... do more than 1 page per week...


Wow, that is a huge load! I'm ok with having drama, it gives weight to the characters and it's background, and in this case, it's always great to see more of Lydia... but, i have to admit that the last panel is a huge turn on for me. Also, i like the transition between pleasure and anger in the bubble.


That's true! My supporters especially are great about constructive feedback around here. And since there's a week between pages, I have time to make course corrections if things aren't going over well.


Well right now that would mean scaling back on something else around here, and the last thing I want to do is start cutting Patreon rewards. But I'm hoping as the site grows and I start networking more, I'll be able to bring on other artists to help me with these pages so I can put them out quicker.

alex baker

I replayed the game and as much as I love every character I find myself looking forward more for raina and Chloe am I the only one, who are you guys looking forward to the most ?


Glad to hear you have favorites! I can say for sure that more Chloe is on the way in build 4.0 :)