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I'm super excited to finally get back to Lydia! :D




Just when I get back from vacation I get a treat. Thanks Rein!


Angles are GREAT here! And happy to see Lydia get some play here... seeing her losing herself during sex is a welcome visual too, seeing as she seemed a bit more composed during her pinups. Homerun page this week for sure!

alex baker

So am I and you know she having a good time if or feet aren't touching the floor

alex baker

Also really nice work on the shots you chose draw.


Love women of MiddleEastern Ethnicities. (I hope I guessed correctly on her background)


Thanks! That last panel was a bit tricky to get looking right, so I'm glad it paid off. :)


Close? I may be exposing my severe lack of book-learnin' here, but is Greece considered middle-eastern? Or are they just on the edge of the border there?


No its not. But there are a lot of Turkish people in Greece.


Internal leg anatomy! I recognize those tendons that I can never draw right :)!

Bob Fink

Great renders and the view is hot!

Evan S.

Never knew Lydia was Greek/of Greek descent. Being Greek myself, I find that very cool. :D Although we are not considered middle-eastern, we are right next to the western part of Asia and relatively close to the middle east. Our colours are mostly similar with the whole Mediterranean region (Spain, Italy, Turkey).

frank barry

Oh yeah.. Lydia has her own Switch. THAT's why you inserted that SwitchGuy enters in the parking lot scene page all those weeks ago with a note saying, "remember this, it's important," which I did not. Is his name 'Blade,' because then he could be 'Switch Blade.' Or we could just leave the naming to you.


Right on thanks for sharing! My knowledge of geography is pretty bad in general. XD


You won't be waiting long before you find out! ;D