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This is a page I've been looking forward to getting to for quite some time, as it gives me a chance to show Elianna get worked up for a positive reason instead of a negative one. She may be anti-sex, but she's very pro-romance. I try to avoid making completely one dimensional characters if I can help it, so I'm glad I finally get to present the idea that Elianna's not just a cock blocker 24/7. 




Interesting. I wish next Thursday would come faster to see what happens next.

Strategist G Bu Shi

Question: Will romance anime or anime/manga in general, be part of the way the MC in your game bonds with Elianna?


I was worried that the purity thing had a religious origin and she would freak out more about lesbian/bi-sexual relationships, so I'm happy to see that I'm wrong and her purity thing is just some weird fetish/control idealism.


Elianna a born romantic who desires strong relationships and teh feelz? Now I feel as if you’ve stolen my innermost thoughts and placed them in that of your most disruptive character. This is a personal attack :P


The game takes place before the comic so that wouldn’t really work.


so by the way, what was the song she was singing in the last page? you said you'd tell us this week?


Someone on Hentai Foundry figured it out - "Give A Reason" from Slayers Next.

Klaus Ikra

And on this week, we see the closet nympho freak out over just a kiss, next week we see how did it end up like this.


... This is a surprise, but it's actually a pleasant one, seeing her as very pro-romance. I like it!

Lord Washington

My problem with her is not that she’s a buzz kill or cock blocker. It’s that she is a repressed, hypocritical brat who’s so entitled that she demands everyone else be repressed, and acts like she’s above the rules to do so. The world doesn’t revolve around you, Elly!

Bob Fink

Can't wait to see how Parker responds to Ellanna's rant.


Best girl, best outfit.

frank barry

That's great to see that side of her. I love the hop hop hop!


Yeah, i love Eliana's wardrobe hahaha and she also behaves like an anime girl. It's just perfect. I get the feel that, as many of the female characters in anime/manga, she is secretly into BL haha Anyway, what a great way to star this new chapter. Also, 100000+ on Parker's reaction... she is lik "WAIT WAT!!!"


Loved the adorableness of the "Hop, hop, hop."


I figure I couldn't make Elianna THAT square, she does live in a porn world after all. XD


You were close, she's into romance manga. :D


Thanks! That face in panel 3 seems to sum up Parker's entire personality to me: confused but wanting to stay positive, that's her. :D


Male cum is what sends her into the stars, but she does still have a fetish for bodily fluids in general. :)


Oh, Elly, you sweet Summer child.